Pictures of your Norton Commandos

marc said:
from my ride today.

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Those pipes got mighty blue...
Since this is one of the first topics I check when it's been recently updated, here's my contribution and first post. Thanks to all for the inspiration and most importantly, the information. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world no matter what anyone else is riding or how much slower I am.
Morning in Bolinas, CA
Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
Minolta, Graflex or Hasselblad? Good grief, I should get out the old Minolta twin reflex. But the black M5 is a favorite. And the Coolpix S7 is just so easy for everything that doesn't require work.
I like my cameras like my bikes, old and made to last. Its a wooden 4x5 field camera with a Rodenstock 150mm lens. I develop the negs in my dark room, I shot this with Fuji Acros film ISO 100 4 seconds. Developed it in Rodinal developer. Could have increased depth of field but it till came out well IMO.Black and white film is still readily available from Ilford, Kodak and Fuji. I still shoot quite regularly
We had a dark room growing up, something I'm grateful to my Dad for sharing with us. He had an Exacta, and us kids shot with a little Petri. Nice image of the engine, silverfox. It sure is one sexy motor !
Pictures of your Norton Commandos

1973 Commando 850, First ride of the spring, ran great just need to new battery. Also was thinking about getting a engine steady, anyone have any suggestions?
I've been getting out quite a bit lately. Got about 1000 miles on it now and all is well. Just fitted some digital gauges. Here is a pic while out and about last week


  • Pictures of your Norton Commandos
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My 1972 Combat:
Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Three Commando amigos at the Range Cafe in Bernalillo, NM
Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Chris Anderson's (RedApe53) '69 Fastback on the right, my '72 Combat in the middle, John Schmidt's (1up3down) '73 850 on the left.