Pictures of your Norton 961

You poms are always bitchin’ about your weather!! You clearly need to ‘harden-up’ a bit - like this guy!!

Didn’t stop him ridin’!!! 🙃

Pictures of your Norton 961
Went out for a little tootle today up in the North Yorkshire moors to Stump Cross Caves , temperature at a balmy 4 degrees C so the heated clothing got a battering. It was just great to get out on the old girl again after a lay off . For all those people who still think that a 961 vibrates let me tell you that what you are feeling is NOT vibration at all just the heartbeat of wonderful engine showing you that it is alive and kicking so be happy that it isn't just a sterile soulless machine and enjoy it for what it is. Sorry about the quality of the pic the sun was in mi eyeballs.
Pictures of your Norton 961

This is a limestone cave system first discovered in 1860 by the Newbold brothers whilst prospecting for lead. Formed over 500,000 years ago it extends for four miles but it still hasn't' been fully explored although it's a site of special scientific interest .
Pictures of your Norton 961
Its the old adage 'its worth what people are prepared to pay for it'. The purchaser must be happy with the deal, the vendor must be cock-a-hoop so good luck to them both.
I hear there are people prepared to pay the thick end of £20k for a heavy 1000cc British bike with less than 80bhp and no riding modes/multi axis braking system/Bluetooth integration etc. Can you believe that??????
I hear there are people prepared to pay the thick end of £20k for a heavy 1000cc British bike with less than 80bhp and no riding modes/multi axis braking system/Bluetooth integration etc. Can you believe that??????
Those people are daft!!;)
Ok I can't give you sun-drenched pictures with ocean backdrops but this is me stopping off on a lovely cold but sunny ride into work for a photo opportunity in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter. I just love riding this bike; so much what a brilliant start to my working day:)

Pictures of your Norton 961
Anybody know if the 961 Is amphibious? Cyclone Alfred bearing down on our coastline! Garages can be at risk so I moved the bikes into the house.

The wife asked me why I was paying soooo much attention to those ‘stupid bikes”!? So I put her car in the garage. Women, so unreasonable!:rolleyes:


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What I do know is that Pirelli Phantom Sportcom (the fancy retro tyres) are AWFUL in the wet. Like...hideous.

Got caught at the TT in a shower and thought I was going to have to park the bike up as it was that bad.