The embarrassing throwback pictures of your/our/my bikes & me

How about the girlfriend?
She was sweet on me but she was my cousin's cousin, a friend of the family and I felt a bit uneasy about that. She grew up to look like Sher and has a deep sexy voice. I still kick myself in the arse for not making a play for her. I was giving her a hug at my brother's funeral in 2004. I whispered in her ear "I don't know why I never made a play for you"

She said "you should have".
My first bike a ‘64 250 Ducati pic taken in 1981

The embarrassing throwback pictures of your/our/my bikes & me
Been riding my Norton for 46 years now, been married for 32 years this May, my wife knows who is my number one girl, my wife no longer comes out with me on the Norton as its now solo reg but if she is lucky she comes out on the Thruxton every so often and if there is any tension in the house she tells me to take to other girl out, she is a good girl but she knows her place in the pecking order and before we wed she knew the rules, the Norton and bikes will always come first over anything and my kids knew the rules as well.

And my dad. On his 1949 AJS 500. Bought new in Whanganui NZ.


  • The embarrassing throwback pictures of your/our/my bikes & me
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I celebrated 50+ yrs on 2 wheels last summer , tomorrow a buddy is coming to take my Red Duke (cross country ride) home with him , including last season , have parted with the Griso, the Red bike and the Norton , down to the just delivered DR650 & the Ducati GT1000 both black …. almost all my bikes have been black for some reason …. I miss every bike I ever had and would still own them all if not for the money and time …. Glad I had a go on all sorts of different rides , never owned a Harley or Yamaha , all twins and singles , except one …. wish I had photos from back in the day , guess I was having too much fun to think of that …. Riding has without doubt made my life in general much better …. Which I guess most here would say as well …. Oh yeah , married in ‘80 , after living together from ‘78 that still very good too ….
She was sweet on me but she was my cousin's cousin, a friend of the family and I felt a bit uneasy about that. She grew up to look like Sher and has a deep sexy voice. I still kick myself in the arse for not making a play for her. I was giving her a hug at my brother's funeral in 2004. I whispered in her ear "I don't know why I never made a play for you"

She said "you should have".
Never too late …
She was sweet on me but she was my cousin's cousin, a friend of the family and I felt a bit uneasy about that. She grew up to look like Sher and has a deep sexy voice. I still kick myself in the arse for not making a play for her. I was giving her a hug at my brother's funeral in 2004. I whispered in her ear "I don't know why I never made a play for you"

She said "you should have".
Takes balls to make a play,you let your moarals get in the way Well done.
My first motorcycle: 66 Suzuki x6 hustler which took 2 summers of tomato picking to buy. This was 1971 and I was 12 and my sister 11.
The embarrassing throwback pictures of your/our/my bikes & me
Not really embarrassing ,but this possibly where it all started for me, 48 years ago on Dads 41 Indian scout.... sold 10 years later ...knows where it is (resides only 3 km from me ) but the owner wont sell...... and it is been in pieces for over 20 years !
Not really embarrassing ,but this possibly where it all started for me, 48 years ago on Dads 41 Indian scout.... sold 10 years later ...knows where it is (resides only 3 km from me ) but the owner wont sell...... and it is been in pieces for over 20 years !

Would be good to get that one back in the family, keep trying you might wear him down one day.