Post Photos of your Norton P11

Havnt decided on paint yet... thats how I got the bike. Bike was built in Long Beach CA in the late 60's from what Im told.

Tons of nifty aftermarket parts on it...

Post Photos of your Norton P11

Post Photos of your Norton P11

Post Photos of your Norton P11

Post Photos of your Norton P11
Great project. I wouldn't worry with paint just use it as is. after you get it sorted then take it apart and paint.
Put some Norton decals or skull stickers on the tank for now.
p400 said:
Great project. I wouldn't worry with paint just use it as is. after you get it sorted then take it apart and paint.
Put some Norton decals or skull stickers on the tank for now.

That is exactly what I planned.. Thats how I did my commando. once everything was sorted out, and I didnt have to take the tank on and off any more. I did all the paint...

as seen here riding through death valley.

I Still havnt figured out what that front hub is off of. Closest I have seen is on factory yamaha road race bikes. but it also looks norton 2LS ish. but its not...

Bike also has a 2-1 exhaust that goes into a megaphone under the bike and exhausts out the left side near the front of the tire.

Has John Tickle Clip ons. Tomiselli levers.

Had 810 Dunstall barrels on it. but from the horror storrys I read on those on this site, I may not run them...

Post Photos of your Norton P11
New Tri Spark ignition seems to smooth out P11 vibes.


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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150 miles for lunch run. All went well until the P11 spit a sputtered to a stop.
These guys had an interest but no P11 experience or tools.


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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Nice weather today, cooler temps.
TriSpark still sparking well.


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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grandpaul said:
Let me guess... You forgot you were already on reserve?
Is that a gremlin bell hanging next to your tach drive? :)
No, gas okay, simply a loose electrical connection from coil to ground.
Yes, a bell, but maybe it hasn't been on long enough to work! I think the bell is supposed to hang at a lower point.
I think a small tube of penetrating Loctite would be better talisman.


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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Here is photo from a couple days ago. have not ridden since this, too wet with rain.
Still raining today and for the future, the rain is wonderful!!


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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out for a P11 ride today, autumn colors are showing.
TrailTech Vapor is fun, speedo works well, odometer, clocks all work well...........Vapor electronic tach needs work, parts on order.
The new Tri-Spark ignition is working well, motor seems smoother.
I just leave Norton running , jump off and snap a photo, works pretty well......couple times the running bike has wandered off and fallen over.


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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This has morphed into your dedicated ride photo album, not that there's anything wrong with photos of a nice bike and nice scenery...
Todays coffee run, only 25 miles, but there were signs to keep me on the right road.....or left road......I am always lost.
This is a 90º corner out in the middle of nowhere.
please post photos of yours or anybody's P11


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
    348.2 KB · Views: 614
Here is another photo from the 7th.
P11 are pretty loud, better than deer whistles, but needs throttle control around housing and livestock.
Nobody has got a P11 photo?


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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Mine is sitting in a corner, waiting it's turn which will be a while.

Too many bikes, I guess...
Yesterdays road trip with buddy on beautiful MkIII Norton.
My buddies country community with stunning memorial for war vets.
There is a tall center flag pole and American flag flying at this memorial, but I wanted a close up of the plaque and Nortons


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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One of my goals on a mid day road trip is to eat lunch at a great location.
It doesn't get any better than this.


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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Hay, rolling along yesterday to a lunch at Panera.
Thinking about a windshield addition for this winter. Looking at National Cycle Plexifairing, but cant find total dimensions and the posted windshield pictures don't seem to match, at least not on Ebay.


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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Cant stop a train.
Must have been a 100+ tanker, all placard 1267
plenty of time for a picture.
actually shut the bike off, the train was so long.


  • Post Photos of your Norton P11
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P11's at this Years Barber Vintage Festival

Hi all,

This years amazing festival included vintage off road events for the first time at Barber. Very exciting.

Post Photos of your Norton P11

Post Photos of your Norton P11

Post Photos of your Norton P11

Post Photos of your Norton P11

A more complete photo album will be posted soon on the events page.

C-ya, Jerry