The JUNCTION BOX is a area , where constriction / interfearance / angularity / flow impediment , dosnt help .
Youll note the WORKS headers generally are nice curvy continuity like devices . ABRUPT things dont help .
looking at test run pictures , where the pipes / system is red or white hot , the darker cooler areas ALWAYS
are where things close or kink to quickly . A 16 G Steel , rather than the thinner ones , has better resonance.
If we're talking about MUFFLERS . Throwing a few baffles in the open mega , mightquiten it , but it wont
sound as melodious !
The Olde Wassell l o n g Mega's are STEEL , not TIN . Therefore they dont whimper , they howl .
reverberate ,
conduct ,
are acoustic .
just like a Stratavarius .
A single used shouldnt be hard to find . these are they .
HOWEVEr, Id get a works ( dimension ) cone rolled , with the rolled rear lip , like them . Matybe in stainless of the correct grade ( for heatr / exhausts )
Arredgedry , the T 160 muffler is Triple Pass . SO , a simlar set up of tubes in the back half , ( washer/ Disc - Tube - cp to mid tube-. gas back Fwd - to washer/disc -
backagain OVER the inner concentric tubes ) Means the outgoing settled gas muffles the inner rackety stuff , and the passage length in multiplied .
A nutter would get out the crayons or spray paint , to ascertain the shock lengths to cuttem at . But as it'de vary ( barometer - temp - rpm )throwing something together
using basic sheet metal tecniques , like artist ( falling over laughing icon ) might , would get you somewhere .
This from s Aus. look raisenable .
thisis gotta vauge resemblance to the above drivle . dee tach able baffle ing .
Appropriate tom the same quackery . Look at it as Triple Pass . Perhaps ;
Bunged in and secured removeable .

Leave the first half length unmessed with . so THAT matches from HALF way BACK .
if yr up toit . Things on the rdiuns'd be wege / pie segment - TAPERED .
Artistry in Execution . To the envy of all mankind ! .
Or throw on one of those stainless exhaust end modern things thats fallen off a four cylinder car .
One on a hinkley rocket he said it did miricles for the milage , and wasnt louder particularly.
For starters . ( rotten keyboard here . excuse ) .