Pictures of your Norton Commandos

1975 MK111 Interstate , never restored , just well cared for by the two previous owners. The only changes from stock are the four pole starter, open peashooter exhaust and a super thin headgasket. The bike pulls really well, wouldnt change a thing.

I've tried to carry on with the maintenance and care program, but I have also used the bike quite a lot and it has been trouble free. Not too long ago did one memorable 600 mile day on it from Langley BC up the Fraser Canyon then at warp speed over the twisty but fun Duffey lake Mountain road out to the coast and back home via Pemberton, Whistler and Vancouver. I was following my friend on his fast Vincent, pretty much stuck to him like glue. In the really bendy stuff we left his son way back there somewhere on his Triumph Speed triple. Just having too much fun on a couple of old bikes!

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
This is one of the only pics I have of XBSKT 1. 71 roadster. Wifeys Shortster behind. The ugly mug in the pic is someone I knew about ten years ago.;}
It was my first basket case and one of the biggest mistakes of my life to have sold it.

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
47 Rapide engine #38 on a 2500 mile tour of England /Scotland after a week at the IOM and a high speed parade lap.
Ran it down the Sulby Straight at 120 MPH then loaded it two up plus gear for touring. No problems, first kick every morning and away we go!

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

and here is the Glenli from a few weeks ago. Seem to have lost some photos. I will take a current photo and add it, the bike is complete now.

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

This is my '73 VR880 "Super Twin" . the only one ever made. This was pictured (not quite finished) in the CW article. I've owned it for ~10 years. I'll be selling it after a "freshening" , probably in early June. It's early production, kick start...~2500 miles and has been in storage/on display only as I've been involved with other bike projects. It's in Ithaca, NY, (I'm not).


sorry about the rusty rotors...I (gasp) trailered 3 bikes to this Brit show.

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
I have a request: Does anybody out there have photos of a silver Interstate tank with silver Roadster sidecovers? It's a combo I was thinking of having as spare for my '74 Roadster.
Here's one of mine. BTW. This bike is the only British motorcycle to ever make the main event in an AMA Supertracker national. A record that will never be broken as the class has been merged with the Grand National.

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
Now that''s the level Norton big twin that got me so imprinted on Norton long ago.
Do reveal all ya can please. Worth repeating

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
That is way cool! Who rode it and where did it qualify?

XTINCT said:
Here's one of mine. BTW. This bike is the only British motorcycle to ever make the main event in an AMA Supertracker national. A record that will never be broken as the class has been merged with the Grand National.

Pictures of your Norton Commandos