Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Apr 2, 2010
Hmmmm....just sitting here wondering (oh yeah, 71 days until redeployment back to the US of A!!!!!) why there is no "post a picture of your Norton" thread on this forum. Am I missing some area of the forum that folks can post a pic of their Commando instead of on random threads? Seems it would be easier to devote one thread to this topic exclusively sort of like over at the Britbike forum. Just a suggestion.

I am a noob to this forum so just tell me to shut my pie hole if it has been discussed before (it probably has). I for one would really enjoy checking out owner photos of the most legendary of ALL british bikes...NORTON COMMANDO. :P
OK, Il'l be first :mrgreen:

Here is a picture of my Fastback in its first rebirth. The paint was done with rattle cans and the rest as best I could at the time. The front brake was from a Suzuki GT750 "water buffalo" and is the same one on my café, but now it seems to work a whole lot better than I remember, at least now I have the proper lever. This picture is from around 1992

This is the same bike after a second rebuild, new professionaly done paint, put the disk back on, rear flashers done differently (the others broke off fue to vibrations), chromed front fender (mudguard). This picture is from around 2002.

Unfortunately, it does not look like that anymore, the dreaded fiberglass desease ate the tank and ruined the paint job, now it is due for a third rebuild which will happen soon, every 10 years it seems. I am presently gathering the parts needed to start on it, one thing for sure, it will be different than anything seen so far. I have an aluminum tank, a nice Grimeca front drum, a Yamaha DT250 rear drum, the rims are on order, I have a complete exhaust system with peashooters, new levers, still don't know what seat to use (I kinda like the old "S" rather flat seat)

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OK - here's mine. Originally a 73 850 roadster I bought in '06. I completely went through to make it a nice looking (and working) VERY stock black Roadster which I just recently converted to a BRG fastback. For the fastback I replaced the Roadster's oem switchgear/mastercylinder with CNW's switchgear and Brembo master cyl. And hey, who but Norton Geeks know that there never was a factory 850 fastback? ;) Still need the side reflectors for the tailpiece.

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Here it was when I finished the work as a Roadster:

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Hmmm - don't know why 1/2 the front wheel is chopped off here - it's not on photobucket where this links.
MexicoMike said:
Hmmm - don't know why 1/2 the front wheel is chopped off here - it's not on photobucket where this links.

Any images which are too wide will be cropped down by the forum's auto cropper to fit your screen size (usually at the R/H side), and this is mentioned in the "how to post photos" section.

Upload your photos to your new Photobucket album, preferably no more than 900 x 768 image size, (see the upload options in Photobucket)

I think some of our members with wide monitor screens could actually be able to see images wider than 900? If I go to full screen, I can see all of MexicoMike's Roadster (1024 wide) but Jeandr's Fastback photo (1280 wide) still has more than half its front wheel missing.

If you want to show an image full size, then include its Photobucket "Direct link" in stead of, or as well as, the IMG code. ... C_0084.jpg ... ck-001.jpg

Notes on how to reduce an image size in Photobucket, if a photo has already been uploaded to your Photobucket album:

Select "edit" (above the photo)

Select "Resize" then use the tools to reduce the image size down to 900 maximum width.

Select "Apply"

You then have to make a choice, at the foot of the page you will see "Save a copy" which will add the resized copy to your album, or you can "Replace original".

If you save a copy as well as keeping the original, just make sure when you post that you use the correct one (always use the Preview button to check before posting).
Oh, right. If I expand this website page on my computer to the full width of the screen, my entire bike is there (but Jean's is still not) I usually don't run at full screen-size and most internet pics aren't that big anyway...
This came up just at the right time. I was digging through boxes of books salvaged from my shop fire and came up on an album of pictures of the "Norton" racebike I raced from 99 till 2006. I though all the pictures were lost along with the bike. Brought tears to my eyes. Jim

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
HECK YAH!! That's what I'm talkin about! B-E-A- utiful machines fellas. WIsh I had a pic of my 72 Combat over here but it will have to wait till I get home.
For now, the new lady in waiting.....

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
Wonder how we would get this thread to appear at the top of the forum sort of like the tech tips and tips on posting pictures?? Anybody know? LAB?
The problem with this thread is that everyone's photos are chopped off. The pics are too big! :?
debby said:
The problem with this thread is that everyone's photos are chopped off. The pics are too big! :?
If you hold down the ctrl button on the bottom left of your keyboard and scroll the wheel on your mouse at the same time you can re size the window and view the whole picture. I also use this to make type larger and easier to read.
Bill G