Pictures of your Norton Commandos

"Show pieces are nice and all but how bout some roadrunner."

My green fastback on the first page of this thread is totally a road runner. Heck, the frame is rattle-can painted. Show bikes don't interest me at all. Working well and not worrying about whether it will survive "doing the ton" is the most important thing!
Roadrunner you want, roadrunner you get. Here's a few of my 750:

On the road:

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

On the Women's Ride, at the 2009 Mancos Rally. Still dirty from the Big Rain Loop the previous day:

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

After a trip to the car wash, all cleaned up for the bike show (where it took 2nd place in class):

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
pvisseriii said:
I agree. Show pieces are nice and all but how bout some roadrunner.

Are you saying my bike looks like she lives in a trailer? None of my bikes are trailer queens. Don't see the point.
I am sure there are not many Commando owners on here that park their bikes in the garage and stare at them. Some may look like show bikes but I am willing to bet they all get ridden.

Believe it or not, there is a 100 point show bike underneath all the dust and rust! HOW's that for the "Crustiest Norton" out there???!! :D

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
TravNorton said:
I am sure there are not many Commando owners on here that park their bikes in the garage and stare at them. Some may look like show bikes but I am willing to bet they all get ridden.

Believe it or not, there is a 100 point show bike underneath all the dust and rust! HOW's that for the "Crustiest Norton" out there???!! :D

Pictures of your Norton Commandos
After seeing anything is possible
lets see more Commandos the pics are great!
I like to see all the variations! Amazing how essentially the same bike can look so different with just little changes.
These are a couple of years old:
Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Currently sporting a red original fiberglass tank, need some paint, looks like Santa's bike. :lol:
pvisseriii said:
I agree. Show pieces are nice and all but how bout some roadrunner.
I was wrong! They are all show pieces and all special and all roadrunners.
Sometimes the barnfinds are the most photogenic.
Hey Jim is that the banana bike? Owned by John, (I think his name is) That works with Matt? I rode that thing back from the shop to the rally, Kinda fun. :lol:
Gary that's it, If ya see em tell them I said hello. And hope all is well with your projects, Anything new? Come on tell us, LOL. Have a great day, Chuck.
From a trip we made to Romania in 2008, riding not polishing!

At the Croatian Border
Pictures of your Norton Commandos

A burned out tank in Bosnia
Pictures of your Norton Commandos

Draculas castle, Bran, Transylvannia, Romania
Pictures of your Norton Commandos
difazio said:
Pictures of your Norton Commandos

first go at a picture so.....

Nice looking bikes about chaps, keep them running

Love the red Norton on the timing and wait, what is that?!?!?!!??

You can't just post a picture with that front end without more of a story!
The front is by Jack Difazio, he modified a test bike for Mike jackson

The headstock was cut off and replaced by a pivot which moves the tank back by an inch or so.

There are 2 lockheed callipers which through the linkages have anti dive built in, the wheel moves verticaly in the frame and hub steers about a central king pin

Rides solidly and stops quite well!

I will look out the restoration pictures, Norman White did the engine, he is only a few miles from Andover. incidently I am about 100 yards from the eold showroom/office from the 70s!

Runs a new home built loom, pazon rectifier, o ring 520 chain and Falcon shocks, still need to sort the spring rate out