Pictures of your Norton 961

Pictures of your Norton 961
Different paint scheme
Doesn't say MKII and can't make out the other logo, but has my nice Halcyon bar end mirrors. Perfect for flicking in and out when carving through traffic during the commute.
Doesn't say MKII and can't make out the other logo, but has my nice Halcyon bar end mirrors. Perfect for flicking in and out when carving through traffic during the commute.
How have you mounted your mirrors Clive, as per the photo? I can see how that position gives the best view. I've been running mine under the bars and swept inwards, view is a little restricted but I like the look!
Pictures of your Norton 961
I can’t even begin to tell ya how jealous that blue sky beach pic makes me sitting here on a Bank Holiday Monday in cold, wet, grey Blighty !!!
Pictures of your Norton 961
Pictures of your Norton 961
Pictures of your Norton 961
Pictures of your Norton 961
I can’t even begin to tell ya how jealous that blue sky beach pic makes me sitting here on a Bank Holiday Monday in cold, wet, grey Blighty !!!
And what great ride that is to, here’s moir & curtis,s bike on the ocean parkway I think ,volley ballers to watch & a live band to , what better place for a ride out .


  • Pictures of your Norton 961
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It looks like my next 150mile on the bike will be desperately trying to avoid thunderstorms and a good drenching.... does anyone know how 961 electrics behave in that scenario :eek:
That was a fun day, Richard. My pleasure for sure. If it makes you feel any better Nigel, today it is snowing heavily. Going to get about 4 inches plus of the white stuff.
It looks like my next 150mile on the bike will be desperately trying to avoid thunderstorms and a good drenching.... does anyone know how 961 electrics behave in that scenario :eek:
One experience of torrential rain, bike started mis-firing, dropped to one cylinder and collected water in he open top air filter which required draining. Otherwise everything was fine. WD40 or similar and plenty of it recommended before you set off.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the factory used dielectric grease on all connectors (at least, all the ones I’ve looked at thus far).

Plus, the current bikes have an open drain from the airbox to a little catch bottle.

So, fingers crossed, one would hope the new bike shop might fair a little better.
How have you mounted your mirrors Clive, as per the photo? I can see how that position gives the best view. I've been running mine under the bars and swept inwards, view is a little restricted but I like the look!

I tend to have mine over the top and sticking out. I then push them in when traffic weaving and under the cover at night. I made a mandrel to turn the expanding bar mounting down to the correct diameter. The only problem I have is that I like to always turn and look behind before moving out, like I was taught 40 years ago, but when I have my full face helmet on the chin piece fouls on my shoulder so I have to rely on the mirrors and am getting a bit over-cautious in my old age....
I tend to have mine over the top and sticking out. I then push them in when traffic weaving and under the cover at night. I made a mandrel to turn the expanding bar mounting down to the correct diameter. The only problem I have is that I like to always turn and look behind before moving out, like I was taught 40 years ago, but when I have my full face helmet on the chin piece fouls on my shoulder so I have to rely on the mirrors and am getting a bit over-cautious in my old age....
The guys at Halcyon supplied me with 15mm bar inserts free of charge, very impressed with them. I too find looking over my right shoulder nigh impossible, I now pull up as close to 90deg to a junction so I can see what's going on to the right before making a left turn.

PS: If anyone is considering buying Halcyon mirrors/goggles then code 'MIRRORS2018' or 'GOGGLES2018' will get you a £5 discount when ordering online.
Thanks for that - I have used the Halcyon goggles for years in the Morgan, but it's a bit tricky finding some that sit well with a helmet. Visit the Davida stand at a show and try out a few. Also glasses clearance for those of us whose 50+ year old eyes don't match our 17 year old brains....
Fair point, I’m not in New York, so would have to concede on that point.

This rest of you points? Well, that’s just a normal weekend innit ?!?