Pictures of your Norton 961

Pictures of your Norton 961
Pictures of your Norton 961

They look a passionate bunch , looks like a great bike launch party & who can blame them
Petty cool, the pair of them. I wonder if Henry Cole's, Motorcycle Show, flat tracker project will look as good?
Talking of our Henry ! He “ liked “ a tweet of mine on twitter from my tweet about the April commando attack , think I’ll copy him in on this months attack at the “ the wharf inn “ welford on the border of Northamptonshire & Leicestershire NN6 6JQ on Sunday 14th May by special invite of the NOC. Open day my twitter is @nortontripp66
I think you’re referring to the exhaust pipes?

If so, although it’s diffiuclt to tell for sure, the sticker on them looks like a Termignoni sticker to me. I assume they’re designed for something else and these boys have grafted them onto the Norton.

I was referring to the artistic, but dubious looking, intake velocity stacks...
Quote- :"Mirrors are our own design and made specifically for the 961. Available as an aftermarket kit for all 961's."

A way out there idea but how about putting on your web page details of what after market accessories are available other than tea mugs, key fobs, a paddock stand and a bike cover. Perhaps this will stop some of us seeking out under the counter suppliers you seem to so strongly disagree with.


Mirrors are our own design and made specifically for the 961. Available as an aftermarket kit for all 961's.

I’m interested in these mirrors. I had a look on the Norton website but nothing there. Can I get some more info please like a close up shot, diameter of the mirror, price - where can I get them from.......

I’m interested in these mirrors. I had a look on the Norton website but nothing there. Can I get some more info please like a close up shot, diameter of the mirror, price - where can I get them from.......

An online Norton parts catalog kind of like AF1 Racing would be nice, even if required to go through a dealership. People don't want to buy what they can't see, so Rizoma and the likes will be getting more business.
Made the 109 mile round trip to Turners Falls MA and back.

Pictures of your Norton 961

Was fussy to start up again after sitting for 3 1/2 hours, but the forth punch did the trick. Starts up easily when the air is cold. Runs like a clock after she’s warm and handles like a dream. It’s the warm starts that confuse her - like after she’s cooled down, but not cold. It’s annoying and yet it’s so easy to forgive her.
So I bought one of my dream bikes this weekend. Picked up this 2016 Sport from GP Motorcycles in San Diego last Thursday. My first Norton. She is absolutely beautiful. Took it out for my first ride yesterday and it felt wonderful. More comfortable than I imagined. Sounds great with this Zard 2:1 exhaust. Will plan to remove the db killer to get the full Zard effect. Already noticed a drop of oil when I came back from my first ride. It was not the breather pipe from what I can tell. Hopefully not a leaky gasket already. Any ideas where to start diagnosing the leak? This is a 'new' bike essentially. Had a previous owner who put 64miles on it only. It has 80 miles now. I was able to purchase a new bike extended warranty for 4 years unlimited miles and it covers everything so if there are problems hopefully they will be covered. I've read some horror stories. I'm hoping to learn as much as I can about this bike and do preemptive servicing to avoid the nightmares I've read about. I already saw the post stating what items need to be purchased from CNW so will start working on that ASAP. Very excited to own this gorgeous bike. I've wanted one ever since watching this video almost 20 years ago...

Pictures of your Norton 961

Pictures of your Norton 961

Pictures of your Norton 961

This might be the prettiest motorcycle engine in the world.
Pictures of your Norton 961
