Pictures of your Norton 961

It’s salty horrid winter in our hemisphere mate…
Yeh, got ya FE! Miss lots about the UK, but I don’t miss the riding weather! Guess it makes the first available riding day pretty special though! Makes me think of Ogri and Malcolm riding around with icicles slowly forming from their noses.

Pictures of your Norton 961
C’mon guys - who else is ridin’ and where are the pictures? Haven’t seen a gleaming 961 Sport outside of a greasy spoon cafe or traditional British pub for ages - not a red telephone box in sight!!! No Dommie’s posing in front of an endless alpine vista! Or just you, caressing your Cafe in the garage, beer in hand of course! Remember - if there’s no pic, it didn’t happen!

Bush to beach in 30 mins today - feelin sorta lucky! Don’t need 200 horses and multiple modes to have awesome fun on one of these beauties! Had to extracate myself from several conversations about old/new Norton though. Situation normal!

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To scared to ride something we can’t get spare parts for or working on something that don’t get you from point A to B without breaking down 🤣🤣

I know. I know. Negatron.
And I also know this isn’t a Ducati forum.


  • Pictures of your Norton 961
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Are those ABM adjustable clip-ons?
Did you have enough wire on the controls to stretch?
Hydraulic lines?
I dont know tbh guys, the bike came to me like this from Spain. Its a nice comfy position though......very similar to the Norman Hide bar conversion position, that I recently did on a customers Cali.


  • Pictures of your Norton 961
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  • Pictures of your Norton 961
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  • Pictures of your Norton 961
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Had this one in recently, this had TRW bars fitted.
I've been thinking about replacing my Cafe clip-ons with ABM clip-ons.
They provide about 2" relief for better ergos.
Just don't know if the standard control wires will stretch.
Are the control switch wires on your CR standard, or have they been lengthened?
As I said chap, I dont know, it came to me like this, for general service work etc. I had no need to remove the headlamp, so no need to check the wiring. It's no real effort to extend the wiring if needed though.
To scared to ride something we can’t get spare parts for or working on something that don’t get you from point A to B without breaking down 🤣🤣

I know. I know. Negatron.
And I also know this isn’t a Ducati forum.
Very nice V2D3, I reckon the train would come off second best in that encounter! Bloody unlucky though, breaking down on a train line!!? Unless you plan on having those (free-flowing) spares delivered by rail that is, then, amazingly fortuitous really!😄
I've been thinking about replacing my Cafe clip-ons with ABM clip-ons.
They provide about 2" relief for better ergos.
Just don't know if the standard control wires will stretch.
Are the control switch wires on your CR standard, or have they been lengthened?
I think about raised clip-ons or the high bar conversion every time I unfold my aching old frame off of my CR. I can survive out to 150km or so but anything more is torture. It’s definitely in my future as long as I can make it work with the Thruxton fairing I intend (eventually) to fit.
Very nice V2D3, I reckon the train would come off second best in that encounter! Bloody unlucky though, breaking down on a train line!!? Unless you plan on having those (free-flowing) spares delivered by rail that is, then, amazingly fortuitous really!😄
I don’t believe I’ve ridden the Domi since that picture was taken in September 26 2020.

A train load of spares would be great. Unfortunately, no such spares available for the Domi chassis.

The Commando was ridden once this past August, it ran out of fuel 3 miles from my house as I forgot to add fresh fuel after being stored the previous winter. 😂


  • Pictures of your Norton 961
    190.3 KB · Views: 158
I don’t believe I’ve ridden the Domi since that picture was taken in September 26 2020.

A train load of spares would be great. Unfortunately, no such spares available for the Domi chassis.

The Commando was ridden once this past August, it ran out of fuel 3 miles from my house as I forgot to add fresh fuel after being stored the previous winter. 😂
Nice shop dude !
I don’t believe I’ve ridden the Domi since that picture was taken in September 26 2020.

A train load of spares would be great. Unfortunately, no such spares available for the Domi chassis.

The Commando was ridden once this past August, it ran out of fuel 3 miles from my house as I forgot to add fresh fuel after being stored the previous winter. 😂
Great looking workshop - don’t see the beer fridge though!!:oops:

What chassis spares are keeping you off the road with the Domi, for such a long period?
I don’t believe I’ve ridden the Domi since that picture was taken in September 26 2020.

A train load of spares would be great. Unfortunately, no such spares available for the Domi chassis.

The Commando was ridden once this past August, it ran out of fuel 3 miles from my house as I forgot to add fresh fuel after being stored the previous winter. 😂
I've been caught out numerous times like that with my 1098, which runs the same thermistor low fuel warning set up. The fuel light would come on whilst riding problem, got enough to get home. Won't run the bike for a few weeks, jump on and set off. A couple miles down the road the fuel light would come back problem, got out 10 miles later. The thermistor takes too long to heat up again once cooled, to remake the warning light circuit.
What a beauty!

Here are pictures of my bike not riding.
I decided to take out the pipes out for ceramic coating(the end mufflers will stay chrome) and the starter, clutch cover and oil pump for a grainy powder coating.
I opened up the starter to remove the shell for paint and it didn’t look good from the inside so I send it to the starter guys… Over the phone I told them it’s a DENSO starter, they got it and called me up and told me the starter is 100% cheap Chinese starter🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just laughed as nothing can surprise me anymore about the 961.
But to my surprise I do have the seal inside there which many came with it….

Also got an Oberon clutch slave in gold and black, the gold looks amazing and I really liked it on Ducati, Aprilia and MV.. I took the black one also just in case it will pimp to much.

No I need to order the carbon wheels but having hard time to choose between the red or the gold ones…. It’s going to look very exotic in my opinion.
It’s personal taste of course, but to my eye the red carbon doesn’t look ‘right’.

Does your bike have ABS? I was told (repeatedly) by the factory that carbon wheels cannot be fitted to ABS bikes… but no one ever actually explained why ..?!?
It’s personal taste of course, but to my eye the red carbon doesn’t look ‘right’.

Does your bike have ABS? I was told (repeatedly) by the factory that carbon wheels cannot be fitted to ABS bikes… but no one ever actually explained why ..?!?
Yes it’s a personal taste, it’s like red wine color and if no sun on it it almost looks black…. I like it.. Exotic MV style, I’m not afraid from colors…

That’s a good point about the ABS, thanks for the heads up, I will ask BST about it now.

What factory told you this? Norton or BST?
Maybe @Stu Bodycote can put some light on this issue.