Pictures of your Norton 961

This is where the old and new Nortons reside. Gonna be a long while before either one of 'em rolls off the platform.
Pictures of your Norton 961
Wow. I got 12-16" last Thursday and its melting off a bit. Streets are fairly clean. You got HAMMERED. If we get a 40 degree day, I'm taking a slow snow ride. :D
Britfan60 said:
Going into the high 50's to 60 F this weekend. Woooooooo Hooooooooooo

Yup, we had a gorgeous day here in the high 40s yesterday, too. But the driveway has a solid pack of snow and ice. So do the roads for that matter. :| Where my other shed is located the snow is thigh deep.
Very nice property you have Contours. All my snow melted and I got out for a foggy ride today. 50F. There WAS a lighthouse behind the bike. AND I finally replaced my clutch lever after the ride. :wink:


  • Pictures of your Norton 961
    Foggy day..webp
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Well, last week with temperatures in the high 50s the driveway was just about to be clear of snow and ice. Then a change in the weather. Or should I say natural a return to Winter set in. Looks like I need to wait it out for at least another couple of weeks. Not to ride, just to perform the 1000 mile maintenance. :roll:
Storage? Canada. Oy. You need a few days of warmer climates. :? To bad I was busy today. High fifties. Tomorrow, sunny and 50. I'll be out.
Just after receiving a bit of lovin'. Autumn has arrived but plenty of miles to be had before putting her into hibernation.

Pictures of your Norton 961