Pictures of your Norton 961

You know, if you had a bike with trumpets and a one off exhaust, a certain ECU might be a good addition to your shopping list……..
Not really feeling the SC ecu just yet, not willing to spend that much on something that may or may not cope with the vibrations....where I know the Omex is at least reliable.
Which hose do you mean chap?
I've taken most of this back to original set up ie no anti sumping mods, no breather mods etc. So my breather goes from crankcase straight to rocker cover, and my oil tank hose goes to the pump with no filter, and no valve in the pump.
Hi Stu , Any wetsumping ? I forgot what year is it ? Also , I think you said you put the breather out of the rocker cover down to the chain . So no excess oil coming from there either ?
Not really feeling the SC ecu just yet, not willing to spend that much on something that may or may not cope with the vibrations....where I know the Omex is at least reliable.
According to SCS Delta , this was resolved with the Delta 400 changes . But I agree why fix what's not broken ?
Hi Stu , Any wetsumping ? I forgot what year is it ? Also , I think you said you put the breather out of the rocker cover down to the chain . So no excess oil coming from there either ?
I treat mine like an old bike....if its not fired up for a long time, I drain the sump.
According to SCS Delta , this was resolved with the Delta 400 changes . But I agree why fix what's not broken ?
Not willing to gamble my money just's not like its just a few hundred quid. If they want me to test out their product, they can get in touch. The old SC ecu'd bikes, when working, did feel stronger on the road.....but the Omex ecu is a very robust unit, so that's certainly a rock and a hard place to be when it comes to replacing it.
Not willing to gamble my money just's not like its just a few hundred quid. If they want me to test out their product, they can get in touch. The old SC ecu'd bikes, when working, did feel stronger on the road.....but the Omex ecu is a very robust unit, so that's certainly a rock and a hard place to be when it comes to replacing it.
Hi Stu,

it makes no different if Omex or SC, both are working remapped good.
The power on a Dyno is the same.. The Omex ECU is a little bit easier to remap
There are more things to change and adjust
I have two bikes with different ECU´s and both are running well
With the Norton OEM mapps were both bikes shit.

Happy new year to every one
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Hi Stu,

it makes no different if Omex or SC, both are working remapped good.
The power on a Dyno is the same.. The Omex ECU is a little bit easier to remap
There are more things to change and adjust
I have two bikes with different ECU´s and both are running well
With the Norton OEM mapps were both bikes shit.

Happy new year to every one
That’s good to know.
What year are the bikes?

Happy New Year!
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Hi Stu,

it makes no different if Omex or SC, both are working remapped good.
The power on a Dyno is the same.. The Omex ECU is a little bit easier to remap
There are more things to change and adjust
I have two bikes with different ECU´s and both are running well
With the Norton OEM mapps were both bikes shit.

Happy new year to every one
The Specialist Components ecu, especially on the Domi due to fitment, were just too fragile. The Omex ecu is VERY's just unfortunate that the SC ecu had more development on its maps, as on the road they pull much stronger in the midrange. I'm not overly bothered though, as this build will hardly get used....none of my bikes hardly see any bloody time nowadays.
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I mean this hose with the green arrow as I see that the black plastic oil box is not there...

I installed an oil catch there, oil and steam goes up into it then filtered and go down and back to the engine by a 4mm hose.
I have cleaned the air box and the air filter, throw away all the hoses, oil catch bottle and the canister.
Perfect solution, NO more dirty messing with the oil in places he should not be there!!!
Soon I will make a post on this oil catch to share with everyone.
My set up runs the crankcase breather hose straight to the rocker cover, and then out the other side of the rocker cover to atmosphere.
Only pic I have on my phone....and I can't be arsed unlocking the workshop again this evening. But I've basically gone back to pre-2016 build.


  • Pictures of your Norton 961
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Yes. Gone back to that. The tsb#00014 that involved the big wet sumping and breather mods, to me just seemed a very crude band-aid repair to try and get around poor quality control on tolerances. This is supported by some owners reporting zero problems, and others hounded by problems with oil in the airbox. I certainly dont think the Yamaha R6 clone AOS is up to the just conveniently fitted a space, even though it does look shite. I've also not bothered with any of the wet sumping check valve etc. I'll just drain the sump instead.....treat the bike like a 1960s Norton.
Quite a nice feeling taking a big drill bit to my rocker cover is an excellent persuader 😆

Fingers crossed with it venting to atmosphere, instead of what appears to be a restrictive airbox, will also help. We'll see. There's room under the Dominator seat hump for an air oil separator, so that could be an option.
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Yes. Gone back to that. The tsb#00014 that involved the big wet sumping and breather mods, to me just seemed a very crude band-aid repair to try and get around poor quality control on tolerances. This is supported by some owners reporting zero problems, and others hounded by problems with oil in the airbox. I certainly dont think the Yamaha R6 clone AOS is up to the just conveniently fitted a space, even though it does look shite. I've also not bothered with any of the wet sumping check valve etc. I'll just drain the sump instead.....treat the bike like a 1960s Norton.
I didn’t knew this set up before. I also heard that the older bikes MKI doesn’t throw oil like the MKII and the later models, is that correct?

So only the later bikes came out with the breather box and to the air box and to the oil bottle catch?

I've never compared tolerances, mk1 to mk2....or steel liner barrels v plated barrels. I think you hear of less problems with the mk1 as there's less of them in general anyhow. Ollie will probably have more info on that one. Quality Control was never that high a build up of tolerances can go either way.
Hi Voodooo , Good point. Do you think strength or stud streching may have been a reason also ?
I’ve not heard of anyone blowing a head gasket as of yet. Studs usually provide more clamping with less stress on the threads. But who knows what kind of stud Norton used / uses.

I used to always use studs in my engine builds in my car, the only disadvantage was pulling the heads off in the cars engine compartment. The studs would not allow the heads to be removed because you couldn’t raise the heads high enough over the studs without hitting the strut tower.