Pictures of your Norton 961

TonyA said:
Yes , They switched buckets in 2014 .

Interesting as my bike is a 2014 with an old style. Must have been left over or saved for the SE's. Any how, I like the new all black better.
My bike was delivered DEC 2014 . Every bike I saw come in after that had the new bucket. I have never seen an SE though .
If you look on my b/w photo above you can see the old style light I had. I think it was a good idea by Norton to change that light. It was really the only thing I never liked since the day I seen a 961 in person.

Pictures of your Norton 961
WIth a heading something like - I went into the workshop to replace a bulb and while i was there .... well you know how it goes. :D
First ride over Beartooth Highway. (Montana/Wyoming)


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The saddle bag looks great and the pull back on those bars ! That must reduce the reach , I like that .
That looks fantastic. Can you share your mounting procedure for that saddle bag? I've thought of drilling through the tail and bolting a bar from under the cowl. A similar design I saw on that short lived Harly (forgot the model. XLR maybe)
Hello Britfan , I would think the top shock bolt and the muffler mounting frame are the attachment points for the saddle bag frame. I thought someone said that Bonneville type would fit ?
Thank you very much for everyone.
I can't speak English, so it's being translated by a translation site.
I apologize for that in English it's difficult to show.

A saddle bag writes a drawing by itself, and a special order is making and is installing a stay.

It's being installed in the bolt in the shock upper part and the joint of a turn signal.

Pictures of your Norton 961

Pictures of your Norton 961

Pictures of your Norton 961

Pictures of your Norton 961

Pictures of your Norton 961