New laws in Australia gone mad

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Aw the last punch line could be in any language besides English - just implies things may get completely foreign to the English speaking countries. In past big city life, Saudi's sought me out, some were creeps that stiffed me but others were upstanding and even covered family debts they didn't create. Arabic numbers are from India, Arabs picked up later in mid 600's AD then carried further. The Islamic banking system beats the snot out of the City of London usury system that was taboo for Christians to do. Off to get and pay for my permit to ride together with bored buddy to a biker hung out.
Rohan said:
If Aco has info that the Qld police don't know about, about their members being shot at, then we are all sitting on the edge of our seats waiting to hear about it.
Only don't forget to breathe, we might be waiting a long time.
And, don't forget, Aco is more than 1000 miles away...

i think he might be refering to Const Damien Leeding shot in the head w/sawn-off shotgun during a robery @ Robina/ I dont think it is Bike Club affiliated so that may be a bit misleading.
Dkt26 said:
I dont think it is Bike Club affiliated so that may be a bit misleading.

It wasn't.
Was a husband and wife (?) team doing a Bonnie and Clyde stooopid act.
So is VERY misleading.

We could equally claim it was the CIA, or the Chinese triads.
But that could be misleading too....
hobot said:
Arabic numbers are from India, Arabs picked up later in mid 600's AD then carried further. .

Thats what they say.
But when you see them - Sanskrit, Arabic, English - in the flesh, the relationship isn't quite so obvious.

New laws in Australia gone mad

New laws in Australia gone mad

But then the Romans didn't have a zero, at all, so thats what makes them 'similar'.

But we digress....
That's why you're our resident bird dog Rohan. How do we make it thru our daily lives without you there to correct the record? Surprise us once in awhile and don't be the first and often the only person to correct him. I get where you're coming from, but there's a happy medium between his dementia and your addiction to setting the record straight. Lol
I have, more than once, thought of pressing the 'ignore' button.
But it doesn't seem to work on this dang computer.....

Besides, folks often trawl through these threads looking for answers on their questions and problems.
And we can't have folks totally led up the garden path, out on a limb AND up the creek without a paddle, can we... ?
About the Queensland police. I was up on the Gold Coast about two years, and while I was there, a policeman was shot in the face during a drug raid. The Gold Coast is built on nothing but sand and tourism. The bikie gangs get involved in the drug selling. Also while I was there a body was found on the road outside the local shopping mall with a bullet in it. Our police get very upset when one of their own gets shot. The repercussions had to happen, and State Premier Campbell Newman is a Liberal Party politician. That party always plays the law & order card. Queensland police are a very strange lot, over the years you could never be a vagrant in that state. Two friends of mine were detained in a town there years ago, were not charged however forced to work doing gardening around the town. They actually had to plan an escape to get away, and did a runner after about a month. There has been some really great video coming from there showing police bashing people, and leaning over the counter in the police station spraying stuff into people's faces. It is a place where you must really watch what you do if police are involved, they are a power unto themselves there. When the bikies had their big public punch-up a couple of months back, that provided the excuse for action. The other states, especially those where the Liberal Party are in power, followed on almost immediately..

'Besides, folks often trawl through these threads looking for answers on their questions and problems.
And we can't have folks totally led up the garden path, out on a limb AND up the creek without a paddle, can we... ?'

How many people place 100% reliance on what they read on internet forums ? Some are able to think for themselves, and if they cannot, you are always there to help them.
Isolastics are crap. In fact if they caused me to crash, I would start suing.
acotrel said:
About the Queensland police. I was up on the Gold Coast about two years, and while I was there, a policeman was shot in the face during a drug raid. .

That was nothing to do with the bikies.
Easy to check your facts before posting - google for the answer....

BTW, he was plain clothes.
And barged in, shooting, into an armed robbery, if you'd checked any basic facts...
acotrel said:
Isolastics are crap..

Thank you for your uninformed opinion - still the same pommy whinger ?

Given you have never ridden a stock Commando, AND gave up riding road bikes about 1970 you said was it ?,
your experience/ expertise doesn't seem to impress us much ??
And, as has been pointed out here, repeatedly, the JPN racers mostly RACED with isolastics.
Perhaps Peter Williams really was a better engineer and rider than we all are ??

BTW, who you gunna sue ?
A mere glance at Norton history woud tell you they don't exist anymore ??
The back of the tickets for motor races says "motor racing is dangerous"...
New study shows serious crime mainly involves the bad boys and girls ya hang out or fight with, not poverty or race. Take notice of how this study was able to detect and narrow down the few that were risking life and limb. The core group were notified of their risk and that their life mattered so ease out the rough bunch and seek another getting ahead.
Unfortunately for one reason or many, its just the nature of some to rough up and other mental ill so don't see things from others view point, or do feel it and get off more by it.
Might what to make this public knowledge in Australia on a better way. If Gov't then ignores, I guess that called 'the writing it on the walls' for now on. ... lence.html
acotrel said:
About the Queensland police. I was up on the Gold Coast about two years, and while I was there, a policeman was shot in the face during a drug raid. The Gold Coast is built on nothing but sand and tourism. The bikie gangs get involved in the drug selling. Also while I was there a body was found on the road outside the local shopping mall with a bullet in it. Our police get very upset when one of their own gets shot. The repercussions had to happen, and State Premier Campbell Newman is a Liberal Party politician. That party always plays the law & order card. Queensland police are a very strange lot, over the years you could never be a vagrant in that state. Two friends of mine were detained in a town there years ago, were not charged however forced to work doing gardening around the town. They actually had to plan an escape to get away, and did a runner after about a month. There has been some really great video coming from there showing police bashing people, and leaning over the counter in the police station spraying stuff into people's faces. It is a place where you must really watch what you do if police are involved, they are a power unto themselves there. When the bikies had their big public punch-up a couple of months back, that provided the excuse for action. The other states, especially those where the Liberal Party are in power, followed on almost immediately..

New laws in Australia gone mad
Al-otment said:
We're lucky in the UK (and Eire!) that we have M.A.G (motorcycle action group) who are a political pressure group protecting motorcyclists rights and doing their best to prevent (and succeeding) career politicians from applying their badly thought through, half arsed attempts at government.
Hopefully all the UK and Irish members of AccessNorton are all fully paid up members of M.A.G. Approx. only 2% of UK bikers are. M.A.G need your support and you need them more than you might realise, sign up!

Al - you are right and you have reminded me to renew my membership of the Motorcycle Action Group.

This is important for us here in Britain and Ireland who want to be able to enjoy our bikes into the future and to prevent bonkers, impractical, pedantic, prejudiced, expensive burdens being placed on us. MAG is part of FEMA, the Federation of Motorcyclists' Associations, which lobbies at European level. Some politicians, civil servants and health and safety 'experts' would love to see us off the road.

If you are part of MAG, you are adding your shoulder to the wheel. We can complain about infringements on our rights as much as we want, but action speaks louder than words.

Most of us don't realise how much power we have to change things, but only if we are united and speak with one voice.

Acotrei and Rohan - would you ever just PM each other and sort it out between you. Both of you have a vast number of posts, only a tiny fraction of which provide useful information, or are interesting or entertaining. Rohan - keep up your build thread; that is interesting. Aco, please check your facts before posting, and please bum a ride on a well-set up road Commando.
The MC manufacturers would do themselves a favor if they developed and sold very high gas mileage "loss leaders" as "starter bikes" to engage more of the public. If I worked in the MC industry, I would advocate that the industry trade groups increase public relations funding and lobbying to squeeze onto existing freeways narrow "motorcycle diamond lanes" to make MC commuting easier and safer and more inviting to non-motorcyclists. Ads promoting MCs as a way to reduce urban congestion and to ease inner city parking problems, it seems to me, are in the industry's interest.

Here in the U.S. the demographics of MC riders are awful, we are getting older and withdrawing from the MC market. The industry really does need to promote itself if it is to retain the critical mass necessary to stay alive.
In Melbourne we have traffic lanes especially for push bikes. which take up part of some main roads and cause congestion. Normally you may not ride a motorcycle in those lanes, even a 125cc four stroke.
About the new laws - two days ago there was a TV news item about three guys who were arrested locally in queensland for meeting in an airport lounge. Two were members of the US Mongols, one was a member of a local bikie gang. So the public has been presented with proof positive that we have a major problem that politicians with the correct mindset must fix. In Australia every group must take it's turn at getting bashed for political purposes - it changes from pensioners, to indigenous people, unions, asylum seekers, religous groups - why shouldn't bikies get their turn too ? Organised crime is a real problem, however with one notable exception (who has never been found), our politicians never bash gangsters such as the Mafia. The laws were already adequate, it was just that usually nobody was game enough to promote their application.
About the plain clothes cop who got shot in the face in a drug raid -in the public mind drugs = bikies=gold coast, we are being manipulated so the question must always be 'who benefits ?'
This mornings " News" was that Qld is planning to put in Noisy Party laws, where if 3 people complain, the party goers will be arrested? This is Beije Peterson on a double dose of steroids.
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