About the Queensland police. I was up on the Gold Coast about two years, and while I was there, a policeman was shot in the face during a drug raid. The Gold Coast is built on nothing but sand and tourism. The bikie gangs get involved in the drug selling. Also while I was there a body was found on the road outside the local shopping mall with a bullet in it. Our police get very upset when one of their own gets shot. The repercussions had to happen, and State Premier Campbell Newman is a Liberal Party politician. That party always plays the law & order card. Queensland police are a very strange lot, over the years you could never be a vagrant in that state. Two friends of mine were detained in a town there years ago, were not charged however forced to work doing gardening around the town. They actually had to plan an escape to get away, and did a runner after about a month. There has been some really great video coming from there showing police bashing people, and leaning over the counter in the police station spraying stuff into people's faces. It is a place where you must really watch what you do if police are involved, they are a power unto themselves there. When the bikies had their big public punch-up a couple of months back, that provided the excuse for action. The other states, especially those where the Liberal Party are in power, followed on almost immediately..