New laws in Australia gone mad

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There is some slight justification for this.
In some areas, with considerable numbers of holiday units available for rent, the parties can go almost non-stop for 24 hours, 7 days a week apparently.

Not surprisingly, the locals were going balmy.
The pleece were required to act if just 1 person complained. ?
So its actually relaxed the rules a bit ??
More worried about the 5 yr birthday party next door, I could be wrong about the "3" wether that was the number that constituted a"party" or the number of complaints.
I think you need to understand that bikie specific laws on debt collection are simply skirting around the big guys. Years ago I heard an old politician, Jack Lang speaking about the 'moratorium on banks' which was about t o be removed by the government. It was claimed that the moratorium was irrelevant, and Lang asked 'why then should we take action to remove it ?' He claimed that if it was removed the banks could pursue mortgage defaulters to the grave. I don't believe you have that situation in America?
Yes, in the US if you have a debt and can't pay, you just give it back (to the bank) and walk away.
Hence the deep doo doo the housing market is in.

And as someone once said, if you desperately need some money,
then don't go and rob a bank, just open one...
Rohan said:
Yes, in the US if you have a debt and can't pay, you just give it back (to the bank) and walk away.
Hence the deep doo doo the housing market is in.

And as someone once said, if you desperately need some money,
then don't go and rob a bank, just open one...

Well there is the bad credit they have to carry around the rest of their lives. Not to mention the non-delinquent foreclosures?? ... l_smiling/
Rohan said:
And as someone once said, if you desperately need some money,
then don't go and rob a bank, just open one...

I like the quote " If you owe the bank $100,000 dollars and you can't repay it, you've got a problem. If you owe the bank $100,000,000 and you can't repay it, the bank's got a problem"

What about if your a member of the crime commission, and you will not bow to the premier?
Now that is democracy!!!!
Err yes, when the Gubberment AND the Pleece AND the Crime Commission decide they don't need to operate within the law,
and are going to dispense with it, completely, then what chance have ornerary citizens got....
acotrel said:
In Melbourne we have traffic lanes especially for push bikes. which take up part of some main roads and cause congestion. Normally you may not ride a motorcycle in those lanes, even a 125cc four stroke.
About the new laws - two days ago there was a TV news item about three guys who were arrested locally in queensland for meeting in an airport lounge. Two were members of the US Mongols, one was a member of a local bikie gang. So the public has been presented with proof positive that we have a major problem that politicians with the correct mindset must fix. In Australia every group must take it's turn at getting bashed for political purposes - it changes from pensioners, to indigenous people, unions, asylum seekers, religous groups - why shouldn't bikies get their turn too ? Organised crime is a real problem, however with one notable exception (who has never been found), our politicians never bash gangsters such as the Mafia. The laws were already adequate, it was just that usually nobody was game enough to promote their application.
About the plain clothes cop who got shot in the face in a drug raid -in the public mind drugs = bikies=gold coast, we are being manipulated so the question must always be 'who benefits ?'
Hey Alan, they didn't meet in an airport lounge it was at Versace on the Gold Coast
Dkt26 said:
Hey Alan, they didn't meet in an airport lounge it was at Versace on the Gold Coast

And they were all locals... ?

acotrel said:
About the plain clothes cop who got shot in the face in a drug raid -in the public mind drugs = bikies=gold coast, we are being manipulated so the question must always be 'who benefits ?'

Alans failing memory is still working overtime.
The cop that was shot barged in, shooting, on an armed holdup - a husband-n-wife team of desperados.
No bikie connections whatsover.
Only Alan keeps peddling that BS....

It was also suggested somewhere that he may have ommitted to identify himself as the pleece.
And didn't wait for backup.
Not that it makes it any better, or worse...
acotrel said:
The laws were already adequate,

Thats the crux of the matter ?

Why not operate within the Law, instead of passing bookfuls of hasty laws that would seem to have the
pleece and gubberment just as far outside the law as the folks they are claiming are doing the same....
Rohan said:
acotrel said:
The laws were already adequate,

Thats the crux of the matter ?

Why not operate within the Law, instead of passing bookfuls of hasty laws that would seem to have the
pleece and gubberment just as far outside the law as the folks they are claiming are doing the same....

Seems to happen all round the World.... reactionary politicians seeking to placate 'The Honest Citizen (voter)' by introducing ill-conceived and draconian laws as a response to an uncomfortable situation.
They succeed because there's no political will to oppose, and the next ten years are spent compensating the victims who fell foul of the over-zealous application of these Laws.

All because it's important to be seen to be doing the right thing... in the eyes of 'the Gentlemen of the Press' at least - who are currently being shown for what they are in the UK courts. Pity Rupert hasn't been called to give evidence yet, as he was paying these people at the time :roll:


So... who thinks a well set-up 750 can beat the pants off any 850 any day? :mrgreen:
Fuk the politics!!!!!!!! can the 850 be "well set up" too. And can the astronaut be selected by nurry size :D :D :D Oz law works around nurry size.. IMO..
Apparently the judiciary in Queensland have reacted to Campbell Newman trying to implicate them in his crusade about bikies. These days when drug raids happen, the bikies don't get a mention. In Australia we still have quaint old fashioned ideas about civil liberties, and when someone starts mucking around with judges and juries, the third part of the system starts to react. As I said when this topic started, it is all bullshit - why would you react to it when the bikie gangs are quire capable of looking after themselves ? Our Liberal Party have a few s tandard political techniques and playing the law and order card is one of them. In Victoria these days the jails are full to breaking point. The conditions for granting parole have been tightened up, and the authorities have been slack about getting people into court and sentenced. It is a transitory situation until the next change of government.
Rohan, where was that bullshit meeting between the Mongols and the Finks? I saw it on TV, but didn't take much notice. It is all crap designed to hornswaggle the voters. I'm sick to death of the deceit which certain political parties get into - it is just bloody insulting, but people actually believe it and still vote for the idiots.
A couple of days ago the police stormed into a bikie haunt in Melbourne where the guys fix their bikes. It was guns and everything - no charges were laid, however it looked really great on TV - ALL BULLSHIT ! The police know very well some of their own are heavily involved and they seem to be slowly weeding them out.
Evil people, not playing fair, in all walks of life, public to private, that are out to take advantage of good people will win in the end. I've traveled enough to know about bicycle and motorcycle 'gangs' rushing up to beat up and snatch up what they can then disperse. The bicycle and mc gangs are small fry nuances compared to the scale of corruption in banking, cartels and Gov't practices setting examples for them to follow. Its politically correct but practically un true, to assume and act like people of different types can be mixed w/o trouble, unless they follow same rules d/t fear or w/o being forece and there is not enough so desperate there's nothing much to risk jumping on others. Take brand of bikes for instance, or rockers vs the mods. Yet in a common crisis will join together as seen in earchquakes, fires and floods, till the powers that be 'PTB' get there in force.

Here's a mean situation to be aware of the may spill over to any gatherings being stopped on sight. So far only youths of a darker pigmentation are involved but any skin color or group could decide to do the same. What is particularly of note is lack of major media reporting to judge scale of the problem and ones own decision to go about innocently. ... 3Aofficial
Hobot, I was brought up in the 50s when commiephobia was used to silence political dissent. In comparison today's Australian political situation is excellent, the manipulative bullshit is much more easily exposed and counteracted. I am only optimistic - the good guys will win. You can thank Bill Gate's internet for that. By improving communication alternative ideas can be floated and assessed by so many more people, and I believe that the majority of people are inherently well-intended. It is a survival instinct. If you are going to have faith, have faith in your fellow man.
I found out there is a protest ride today, bikers from all over Queensland are riding to parlament house to put the Govt. on notice that these law are unfair to nomal every day motorcycle riders and they have had enough, it has approval of the police, but I bet you anything that the police will be out filming the procession as they do with any protest rides or even chartity runs, you can't even go to car and bike shows without being filmed by the police even when they are run by non criminal clubs, evern the Christmas kids toy run that has been held for as long as I can remember is targeded by the police and govt.

acotrel said:
These days when drug raids happen, the bikies don't get a mention.

Where are you getting this information from, this is just complete nonsense. ?
You are completely mis-informing the readers here...

When the pleece recently pulled over someone with a CAR full of drugs and cash, the press all said 'bikies'.
And the pleece went to the extra-ordinary step of confirming he wasn't a bikie.
And let him out on bail !!

'Justice' here has become a complete farce.
If you are a bikie, are guilty of a crime before even doing anything.
And otherwise, out on bail no matter what ??
What a (pathetic) joke...
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