New laws in Australia gone mad

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Australia: Anti-Social Bikers: Police Harassment........and nobody mentioned Fred Gassit yet!
New laws in Australia gone mad
ggryder said:
Australia: Anti-Social Bikers: Police Harassment........and nobody mentioned Fred Gassit yet!

Not true!!!!
go back a couple of pages...

B+Bogus said:
Disappointing to hear about police hassles in the New World - What you guys need is a clean-cut undercover officer riding a beat-up Combat to infiltrate the gangs and show those Z1 guys a thing or two... or was that something else I saw? :roll:

Perhaps the real motivation is to stop this sort of thing?

About 98% of Harley dudes in the UK are Company Directors having a day away from the Jaguar/Range Rover.
I got badly held up by one a while ago - just couldn't get past on the twisties near Kirkby Lonsdale. I was in my Land Rover with the family, too :shock:
texasSlick said:
To all: This politicizing on this thread needs to stop.

Thats funny ! This whole thread is about how politicians have politicized motorcycles.....
In Australia there have been many attempts to stifle the debate and stop dissenters from being heard. It is all part of the bullshit. It happens when the current authoritarian mindset is challenged. What amazes me is the myth that is always propounded about Australians being independent thinking tearaways, and our usual motorcyclists seem to be the worst by being narrow minded, apathetic and always conforming to the planned system. The bikie gangs are a bit different, they employ a lot of lawyers, and there is a class aspect involved. They are not part of the top end of town so their criminality is not overlooked so easily.
ggryder said:
Ok its a fair cop: I couldn't be bothered to check my facts.

Its the internet so facts are irrelevant not to mention the so called law is in one state of Australia only and more likely in the main city centres and aimed at folk who like to ride around dressed like pirates.
Like they say never let the truth get in the way of a now 7+ page story. :lol:
Check facts and your style of pirate swagger or may get your cheeks checked and rechecked and ditto'd ...

New Mexico US man says he was anally probed 8 times after routine ... ... nally-pr...
1 day ago - The New Mexico Walmart where David Eckert was stopped after pulling out of parking lot in .... but clinched butt too much exiting...
The next episode in the saga of our new federal government might amuse you guys if their current diversions don't work well enough. It all gets sillier by the day with diplomatic difficulties with the neoghbours, pie in the sky promises - we have the full bit, and it looks about to crash in spite of a barrage of bullshit.
If there are thousands of bikies and only a few dozen politicians, this could all end very badly....
What Rohan just wrote translates to a famous quote you can finish yourselves on who wins.
When the People are Right but their Gov't is not ....
Rohan, It is not that serious. In Australia the situation often arises where punches are thrown. It clears the air.
hello All. hope u r well. to bring this subject back to the focus of this forum, (norton motorcycles) forget the politics of good and bad laws. all governments everywhere introduce good and bad laws. they will be disputed and debated and the outcome may be repeal of bad laws, or a change of Government.
in this case where Vietnam Vets and Ulysses are targeted, no charges were laid and the Po lice admitted their error.

to be relevant the topic should be:: if I was riding my norton along with 4 mates on Nortons, under this legislation would I be pulled up and arrested on sight, and summarily jailed for 15 years. yes, you would be pulled up as a matter of course and if you have any form at all it is likely you will end up at the watchhouse. you probably wont get bail if charged. however if your past transgressions are minor and there are no charges, you will be released. you will not be summarily incarcerated for 15 years.

all the bleeding heart do gooders should focus on what caused this problem in the first place. having said that, the Po lice are indeed over zealous. but having a couple of officers killed lately, I suppose I can understand their nervousness.

The seperation of powers ( seperate the executive from the judicary) is also of genuine concern but has no place on a forum dedicated to Norton Commando motorcycles.

To all Queenslanders, we survived Bjkele-Peterson, and will also survive Adolf Newman. These laws will be overturned when they are challenged in the High Court. at the moment dressing like a pirate is hazardous to your freedom. Back to the motorcycle topics.
best wishes Bradley
Other threads are about Nortons, this one is about bad governance.
On folks who may or may not happen to own, or be riding, Nortons.

If I have not been driving badly, I do not expect to get pulled over, in any circumstances.
Even in Nazi Germany that didn't happen ?? (but I wasn't there).

This reminds of the State in the USA, that decided to issue certificates of good driving to elderly citizens.
The pol-ice selected 6 citizens, and went to pull them over to give them their certificates.
After 2 high speed chases, 1 head-on crash and 6 very nervous citizens, some injured, they decided this was not a good idea.
And canned it....

By all accounts, it seems to be that these laws are saying its OK to be a drug dealer,
but if you are a bikie AND a drug dealer, and there is 3 or more of you, then they are going to throw the book at you.
Whats next - boy scouts ? Church groups.?? Political groups ? Old age pensioner groups ..... ??
Well me and a few mates are going for our usual Sunday ride this weekend and there will be more than 3 bikes (about 10 or more) so will see if we get pulled up, we are not going to call the hot line to ask permission, so will let you all know how we go.

I was down in our main street yesterday. There were a lot of Harleys and hot rods here for a 'show and shine'. I did not see anyone getting harassed by over zealous police even though many vehicles were parked outside the pub opposite the police station. The bikies had probably lodged a pre-emptive complaint with the council, about the loud snoring coming from the police station and disturbing their drinking.
What State are you in though ?

Under the laws being discussed here, a Publican can lose his/her liquor licence for merely serving anyone listed under these laws.
Anyone talking to them can get an automatic 15 years jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Civil Rights, what Civil Rights ?????
Ugh, the law as written sure is easy to apply to anyone and once there's a law on the books there's some incentive to use it to make examples, even if innocents are the easy pickingens to do so. Enjoy your innocent gatherings and hope none of the bunch that joins in has a bad history that triggers the law on the rest of 'his gang' with expensive defending, often trying to prove a negative in the eyes of the law. The laws application depends a lot on the rational fair officals processing it, how honest non influenced are they in this regard. Luck of the draw.
Those laws are only a hairsbreadth away from from a Dictatorship, or Absolute Monarchy.
These wars have already been fought - and won - to get rid of those.

Apparently the pol-ice are very reluctant to enforce these laws though.
They know they are likely to be challenged, and declared illegal.
(And some possible future massive compensation payouts to anyone affected by them. ?)
Be a stain on a coppers record if they were involved anywhere seriously with them in the meantime though...
Ugh, the Poor Police are caught in the middle from Gov't law-policy and the main population just trying to get by. Some times the Gov't owners-users allow or assist things getting out of hand so they can act under emergency powers outside normal process. Sometimes Gov't and their rulers don't really know what to do so act like cornered animal. Its tense enough to ride around with normal risk of tickets or crashes and crooks to deal with especially in places there's lots of over head electric lines, so another level of stress no fault of yourselves. Why don't these gangs go around in convertibles to be focused on so they can still cycle about working off their work stress worries too, sheeze.
In lots of ways were are watching epic battle of good vs evil. Will our world get completely under Gov't & Gangs thumb or will planet stop supporting civilization first?
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