New laws in Australia gone mad

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The secret pleece in Oz a few years back did a training exercise on the Hilton Hotel, was it ?
Only didn't bother to tell the hotel staff.
Gents in all black style gear, running around in the lobby and elevators and surrounding streets, with machine guns and flash grenades.
Did someone say something about absolute power, and corrupting absolutely....
"Motorcycle riders will now have to ring a police hotline number if they want to ride in groups of three or more in peace."

Yeah and we know how well they coordinate and communicate so you should only be pulled over a few times each ride.?! Maybe they'll issue special jackets that you wear during your certified riding session's... Bullseye on back of helmet getting bigger down under.
In about 1959, the Victoria police tried t o put all of us motor cyclists off the road. You couldn't ride anywhere without getting stopped and having your bike checked. They even use d to poke sticks up mufflers. Our authorities and politicians don't have many original thoughts. There is no big threat to our individual freedoms as motorcyclists, this bullshit will blow over and come again the next time the conservatives need a beat-up to win an election. It goes continually around in circles, they bash unions, pensioners, asylum seekers, public servants , and now it is bikie gangs. However the joke is that these are not students protesting about funds being cut to universities - not so easily beaten up or legally defeated.
Lets hope they dont have the NOC international rally in Aus then.
There are usually about 50 people in each group ride on the few rallies ive been on.
Old blokes on old bikes. At least its not that bad in UK.
Snorton74 said:
texasSlick said:
I may be getting off thread, but the police state starts with gun has that worked out in AU?

Religion, guns, and antipathy the rural American way.

Hey now, I resemble that remark!
Disappointing to hear about police hassles in the New World - What you guys need is a clean-cut undercover officer riding a beat-up Combat to infiltrate the gangs and show those Z1 guys a thing or two... or was that something else I saw? :roll:

Perhaps the real motivation is to stop this sort of thing?

About 98% of Harley dudes in the UK are Company Directors having a day away from the Jaguar/Range Rover.
I got badly held up by one a while ago - just couldn't get past on the twisties near Kirkby Lonsdale. I was in my Land Rover with the family, too :shock:
There has been plenty of infiltration going on. The big thing is the bikie gangs getting involved with the big guys, and into the drug, standover and prostitution industries. In the background there seems to be guys who haven't ridden a motorcycle for years . There is quite a bit of idiocy too - some of the bikes turn up at the funerals of murdered gangsters , just to be seen there. One thing which I said to the Victorian State Premier, Ted Bailieu on this issue when he was on talkback radio, is that he should avoid giving bikies notoriety, it only helps them in their business enterprises. - he agreed.
Unfortunately Ted got the flick, and the newcomers aren't so smart.
Rohan, in New Zealand there are Maoris - the only native race to ever defeat the British, and they make really great bikies - I love them. If ever I have to go to war, I am going with a Maori regiment. The police were probably very rough with them, however around them you must be a man and they will respect you even if they do give you a punch in the head - they love a fight. You have got to have a sense of humour, this stuff is not that serious.
Rohan, have a look at the movie 'Once were warriors'. There is a vestige of truth in it about the Maoris.
Here's a clip of some Canadian cops in action. They were disguised as protesters but were spotted by the protest organizers before they could stir up the shit storm they had intended to. Will you look at the size of that rock that one cop is packing. Wonder what he'd planed to do with it.

It's said Hitler was able to get his police forces to do things his military just wouldn't do to fellow citizens. Today it' s bike riders, tomorrow maybe unions, then students or atheists. Wait till they can figure out how you vote cause if it ain't for them, you're a commie! ... comments=1
acotrel said:
in New Zealand there are Maoris - the only native race to ever defeat the British, and they make really great bikies - I love them. If ever I have to go to war, I am going with a Maori regiment.

With all those tatts on your face, you'd fit right into their culture !!?
The good news is that I went out yesterday to the beach and there were bikes everywhere. A group of 20 or so harley riders went past, and on the highway there were plenty of bikes in small groups and singly.
Looks like people are deciding to stand up for themselves.
The sooner I get the Norton on the road the better.
I hope it all sorts out for you guys on OZ, but I have to make one comment although I could go on and on.

I worked as a technician for a US federal police agency, I'll leave unnamed, but a force of about 2000 if you can figure that out. I thought the agents were pretty compulsive about themselves being above the law and anyone else suspect. There were several instances where people were led into situations that were against the law and therefore arrested. Maybe they needed to be arrested, but I have lots of trouble with police instigating situations (breaking the law) in order to arrest people. I've seen too much of that stuff in my time. Fortunately, they usually don't get away with it here, but they never quit. I'll leave it at that.

DogT said:
I hope it all sorts out for you guys on OZ, but I have to make one comment although I could go on and on.

In some places, the pleece call that 'integrity testing', or 'ethics testing'.
And done, wholesale...

The media was chuckling about a class of pleece recruits, on which integrity testing was their final class - without telling them.
They all failed.....
Whether this was a good lesson, or setting them forever for a career of doing it wrong ??
In Victoria we recently had a police woman leading the force. As soon as she started she sacked five police in our area. Since then there has been a ruckus between the police union, her successors, and the pollies. Politics, police integrity and public opinion are the name of the game. The bikies who threw a few punches at each other in public, up on the Gold Coast, simply gave the conservative state governments an excuse to create a diversion from other things. We have a new conservative federal government which has been active for about a month after promising all sorts of silly things to get elected, and that was after 3 years of idiotic negativity. Now they must come up with the goods - thus the need for a diversion. - 'The system runs on bullshit' !
acotrel said:
In Victoria we recently had a police woman leading the force.

Was she the Pleece Commissioner who went out to dinner - in a bushfire emergency where 100 ? folks died due to lack of warning/advice.
And the local radio station played a football match.

"This office is unattended, ring back on monday morning - beep".
Gotta get your priorities right....
If you are CEO of a n organization and doing your job right, the organization can operate competently without you. The simple fact is that what happened during that bushfire season, was not predictable as far as timeline was concerned, and her presence would not have affected the outcome. She was pilloried in the Murdoch press which added to the politicization of the Victoria Police, and the conservatives revelled in it and built on it by cultivating disaffected police. Our Victorian state government is still hiding from a conspiracy between the then police minister, and a politically motivated policeman who is currently an MP in NE VIctoria where I live, and there are a lot of machinations going on politically. We recently sacked the conservative federal MP for our area , and there was even involvement and dirty work at local council level. One whole council has been dismissed and it's administration taken over by the state government.
Ugh, I guess its time to reveal the scope of the fraud we all deal when dealing with so called Gov't "authorities"... The central bankster's have won a long time ago just not obvious till ya try to live-act like Gov't propagandize its set up for us to do - to find we are just a numbered franchise under them to tax and license and deny. This could affect shipping a cycle to OZ.
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