Yes its getting out of control here, the outlaw bikies have been coursing a bit of trouble over here with rivale groups taking there fight with each other in public. they have brought this crack down on themselfs, but every bike rider is taken down with them, I ride for the enjoyment, I'm not a member of any bikie club, but myself and a lot of friends who share the same intrest like to go for a group Sunday ride, we all ride diffrent bikes (Hondas, Harlies, Triumphs etc etc)
we don't want to be pulled up every time we go out on our bikes and be harrased just because we love our bikes and our freedom and of course our friendship that we all have as a small group of bike riders.
2 of my friends went for a ride the other day (on Harlies) they got pulled over by the cops, forced to stand in the hot sun for well over a hour while the pplice did their check up, after the check ups on my friends they started on their bikes, so another 1/2 hour in the hot sun to be told you are OK and you can get on your way, by the way your exhaust are a bit loud, we will let you off this time, what a waste of police time and effort, don't they have better things to do, like chasing the real crims, the police are sitting outside Tatto shops and harrasing customers when they leave the shop, you were in there for a long time, dur, its a Tatto shop and Tattos take a long time to do.
All this has done is to make the Outlaw clubs go underground, when the clubies wore their collours the cops knew who they were, but now it has made it harder for them to know, then you get the reports Bikies are going to shoot police, is this just another ploy for the pollies to arm the police with hi powered wepons and more police powers, when will it stop before someone gets hurt.
Just my two bobs worth