Wow. Where do I start?

It's just past Bonfire night , a village in England was going to burn an effigy of Scotland's First Minister. He apparently thought it funny as in previous years they had burnt Osama Bin Ladden, probably with fireworks supplied by one of Stuart Garners companies.

Maybe Britfan is lucky his bike is laid up, judging by the posts of tanks leaking fuel tanks, let's hope it isn't bonfire night for any 961 pilot. Courtesy of Mr Garners other business interest.

I just think there is some bureaucratic crap going on. The gearbox has been waiting to ship for weeks. My bitching did make it to the CEO and I was told, rest assured, it would ship. I hope I receive an email from the gent that was helping me out telling me it shipped. I'm getting tired of being such a pain in the ass, especially to the only guy between Norton, Dan Van Epps and my dealer, that has had the decency to correspond with me. Too bad its not a public company on the market. I would vote to promote they guy.

Meanwhile, the Boyer Brandsen ignition it frying on my 79 Bonny so the mechanic put in points. Sure wish he'd of told me of that move prior to doing it. He feels they are more reliable but if I want, we'll go electronic next season. At least he didn't charge me much and has had his shop for over 50 years. A real old school kind of guy. I get to ride it home in 38 degree weather tomorrow. brrrrr
Thanks BPHORSEGUY. Just received a call late this afternoon from Gold Coast. Forgot to ask them if the remapping cord was with it as promised. Any word on that? I find it odd that you knew that but I get a call a few days later. Oy. When its done, I'm going for a sub freezing temp ride. Wish me luck.
The cord and all software is in, they have re-mapped 1 bike already. It ran very well but has the stock exhaust which I don't consider a real test!
Britfan60 said:
Thanks BPHORSEGUY. I find it odd that you knew that but I get a call a few days later. Oy. When its done, I'm going for a sub freezing temp ride. Wish me luck.

I am really smart that way ! Lol You are not the only one itching for a ride, I refuse to put mine away just yet ! :D
I've been a real squeaky wheel with the gents at Norton, constantly asking and reminding them for the cord. I hate being a P.I.A., but since I'm not out riding, I guess I have too much time on my hands. :twisted:
The new gearbox is in, remap done. Started right up, but I didn't take the bike home because they want to road test it before letting it go. A few more days. Ok. Now we're getting somewhere.
To quote Fred Flintsone" YA BAA DABA DOO".

Great stuff Britfan , alls well that ends well. Have a good one!
Ya F'ing Hoo

Get out the insulated riding suit and let us know how you like it after the remap

I still need to figure out how to get my remap done, with the nearest dealer 900 miles away LOL
Britfan60 said:
I've been a real squeaky wheel with the gents at Norton, constantly asking and reminding them for the cord. I hate being a P.I.A., but since I'm not out riding, I guess I have too much time on my hands. :twisted:
You have every right to be a pain in the ass.
Fact is you purchased a product and from what I've read, there had been a shameful amount of support from your dealer and manufacturer.
If the dealer is crap the manufacturer and distributor MUST step in early and resolve the issue- full stop.
That can then reassess whether they have made the right decision as to who takes their product to market but the customer should always be insulated from this.
I can't believe YOU had to follow up with the gearbox. Blows my mind!!
Still don't have the bike and the forecast is calling for snow this week. Damn. Can I get a break? Meanwhile, it was near 70 degrees yesterday.
Whew. That was a long and frustrating haul. Aside from a few minor scratches on the gas tank, the bike rode, shifted, sounded and ran like a dream come true. I have to limit my RPMs a bit to break in the new gearbox, but I still had a nice ride on the highway. Thanks for putting up with all of my whining. I hope tomorrows snow is minor and dries up quickly. I'm not quite done for the season. :wink:
Britfan60 said:
Whew. That was a long and frustrating haul. Aside from a few minor scratches on the gas tank, the bike rode, shifted, sounded and ran like a dream come true. I have to limit my RPMs a bit to break in the new gearbox, but I still had a nice ride on the highway. Thanks for putting up with all of my whining. I hope tomorrows snow is minor and dries up quickly. I'm not quite done for the season. :wink:

Great news.
Let us all know how the bike performs with the EFI remap, Starting, throttle response, etc.

Mother nature gave you a great day for the ride home. :lol:

Starting was quiet. Not that initial "whack". It did stall once while warming up, but still, it only took 2 starts without having to hold the throttle at all. The acceleration and power band just climbed beautifully. No flat spots. I brought it up to 5k but just during acceleration, making sure not to hold it there. I did 80 at about 4500 for a while. She just purred like that was the normal running speed. Also, no more " bucket of nails" sound. Just a nice deep purr without excess engine noise. The remapping really did its job. Who knew? Oh, and the gearbox feels like silk. No notchiness at all. That really didn't bother me but this is like butter. Finding neutral was much easier too. I had gotten used to it the first time around but its better now. I can't wait for some fair days. I'll do some 35 degree and up days if its not damp. I'm a little annoyed that it looks like someone dripped a tiny dot of something on the tank and it looks like they tried to scrape it off with a fingernail, but in the grand scheme of things, its superficial. Can't wait to post on the "bragging rights" threads. I'm a happy boy.
Now I wonder if they'll extend my warranty a little................