"Any tips for rear fitting, like order of spacers/washers on the hub axle bolt and those cush rubbers?"
Make a fake axle spacer similar to the long one on the right 060324 , but narrower by about 1/4". Steel, wood, alloy, whatever, same or slightly larger ID.
Alternately, be prepared to lever the SA apart.
Before you're ready to mount, find a pc of wood or ply or similar positioned under the bike, so that you can roll the wheel up on it from the rear and it will keep the wheel at the right height to fit the axle with the bike on the center stand. Mine is about 1.25" thick. Cush drive rubbers must obviously be placed (correctly) in the wheel hub first, and be tight enough to not wiggle out while you're fiddling . I assume you have the stock axle, and the stub (dummy) axle is already fitted to the SA on the left with the brake drum and chain in place.
Run the axle adjusters forward and out of the way.
Have the washer, axle, RH spacer, speedo drive with top hat, close to hand on the right. Be sure yr brake hub is positioned with the plate stop in its slot on the left side of the swingarm.
Roll the wheel toward its position near the brake hub at an angle from the right rear, squeezing past the fender and up onto the block on the floor or stand. Rotate the wheel in place until the brake drum pegs will enter between the cush rubbers in all 3 places, then push the whole wheel leftward onto the pegs as far as you can by hand.
Put the speedo drive up to the wheel's lockring and rotate until you feel the drive tangs fall into the slots in the lockring, then squeeze the fake spacer between the top hat and the SA, fit the washer and axle, and tighten to squash it all together. Remove the axle and the fake spacer and you shd now have JUST enough room to mount the real spacer and fit the axle again. Don't tighten yet.
Go to the left side and ensure everything's in place. See that your rear sprocket is well aligned so the chain runs straight back from the front sprocket. Before the final torque-up on the LH dummy axle: back off the brake adjuster several turns and stand on the brake pedal to center the shoes in the drum, reach down and tighten the dummy axle (15/16) while the brake is still applied. Let off the brake and the wheel shd spin freely.
Go back to the right side and torque the axle after ensuring that the rear wheel lines up with the front wheel (an entire project in itself). Bring the axle adjusters back to touch the axle(s) and lock them down. Do NOT rely on the slots to tell you if the wheel is aligned. Fit the speedo cable to the drive.
Go back to the left side and run the brake adjuster nut up while spinning the rear wheel. Take the headphones off, turn down the music, and you shd be able to hear as soon as you've gone too far with the nut. Don't be tempted to run with a shoe "just" touching, wd get hot in a hurry, and not necessary.
Check drive chain tension and use axle adjusters to correct if necessary, moving adjusters an equal amount both sides to not lose alignment.