First Commando purchase books

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Why on earth would you pay £14k for that over the £8k for the one on th NOC site ?
There's still a new one left apparently. It's being raffled off by the National Motorcycle Museum.
Do you feel lucky?


  • First Commando purchase books
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I wouldn’t pay that for it, I just thought it was interesting to see the price variation of £6,000 difference to the one on the NOC site. Interesting to hear your comments though, as that’s the same response I had when I saw it.
If the mileage is genuine then it may be all original, even so, it’ll still be going to someone with deeper pockets than me. I don’t suppose there were many 1978 models produced, so possibly more desirable?
in the description he posts some true facts about the commando but has,nt got a clue how many gears its got
When buying from a dealer you can see from the prices there is a premium to be paid over a private sale, for a 40 to 50 year old bike you have to ask yourself what do you get for that premium. Do you get a 12 month or say 12000 mile warranty, err no, the best you will get is 1 month, anything happens after that month and you will be using the court to get satisfaction and that is a lottery.
I don’t think any co-relation exists between miles shown on tge odometer and the originality of any of the parts .... mine shows a little less than 7500 miles and I can assure you not much originality left .... 40 years is still 40 yrs no matter how you slice it ..... good luck !
Yes I totally agree with you, the feedback is also rather less than complimentary.
The hpi check at the bottom of the advert gives the colour as an advisory, so I’m assuming it started its life as a different colour.

Am I right in saying that the original production colours for the MK3 Interstate and Roadster were either red, silver or black?
just looked at that sam drivel is an understatement,forward canted cylinders to accomadate electric starter,never seen a seat or tank like that on any trident and when did they fit rayguns on a t160 and maybe its my screen but that bike doesn't look orange to me, should have gone to specsavers lol
Yeah he over charges.
And yeah he talks bollox.
But is it only me who thinks the T160 with Legend parts is a really nice looking bike?
The tank is a Legend type and the seat an LP Williams one .
It was more to do with his complete disinformation of the history of the T160, ie
they were not built by the workers coop, and all T160s were built at Small Heath anyway.
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