Help with Norton ID

That is very true.
And a noble ideal.

But when a dedicated few constantly (and deliberately ?) post nonsense post after post , even when corrected ?
Not too helpful to anyone...

There are other forums where they are all too polite to point out or correct or question glaring rubbish being posted.
Ignorance and BS then rules, OK. !!

Hey, all and sundry are seemingly welcome to post all the BS here they want.
But don't expect it to go unquestioned.
And calling a spade a spade lets folks know when they are having the wool pulled over their eyes...
Having just gotten a camera capable of taking pictures worth posting, I have, belatedly, posted pics od the bike and the frame and engine numbers. I don't know how to post directly here, so the link is to a photobucket albumn.
Thanks again for the help, sorry the pics took so long. The bike is now in a corner of the shop, waiting for restoration. I t runs well, but I am now working on 2 BSA b50's that i need to be usable in a couple of weeks.

Thanks again. ... /Matchless

P.S. I imagine i should have been able to make this a link, but i dont know how.
Help with Norton ID



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Rohan said:
That is very true.
And a noble ideal.

But when a dedicated few constantly (and deliberately ?) post nonsense post after post , even when corrected ?
Not too helpful to anyone...

There are other forums where they are all too polite to point out or correct or question glaring rubbish being posted.
Ignorance and BS then rules, OK. !!

Hey, all and sundry are seemingly welcome to post all the BS here they want.
But don't expect it to go unquestioned.
And calling a spade a spade lets folks know when they are having the wool pulled over their eyes...

And you Rohan are not guilty of that yourself?
More than once you have printed on this website that forks with 7 3/8 centres were a common fitment to Norton Dominators, when in fact they were only first fitted to the Atlas in the 1960s, I gave up correcting you as you obviously don’t read my posts at all, or only intercept what parts you want to.
You are still not there Bernard.
ALL dommies got the 7 & 3/8 forks when they were introduced, not JUST the Atlas.

Have a look in the parts books.
Against the part numbers it lists the applicable model.
There is no Atlas only fork parts. = they ALL got the wider forks.
Don't post again until you have looked and learned.

Nortons announced this, to much fanfare, 50 years ago.
So its not exactly a secret, or difficult to find details.
Perhaps where you are getting lost is that a fair bit of Nortons production in the mid to later 60s was the Atlas's. ?

Perhaps a little quote from Roy Bacons "Norton Twins Resto" book may be helpful.
P 148 - took me all of about 2 minutes to find this book and then find this quote
"Otherwise the forks continued, in solo form, as they were until 1964, when they were made wider,
which affected quite a number of the detail parts.
The main visible difference was the addition of a steering lock on the fork crown".
(And of course, being able to fit a wider front tyre.)
Stress this applied to dommies AND Atlas's - Nortons also were involved in lightweights and hybrids.

Hybrids are the sbject here - nice find by the look of it.
Look forward to seeing more it as it progresses...
The Norton is a P11 the numbers went from 121007 to 129145 from 1967 to 1968 when they made 2,500 of them.
another clue is the top yoke which is a Matchless item will be stamped with the number "6",this is also on the gearbox to the right of where the clutch cable enters the case not next to the number which is across the top boss,again the number "6",this box is also a Matchless item, if you put an Atlas box next to it you will find its tilted more.
The factory had orders for a lot more from the American Berliner Group,but Dennis Poore the boss of Manganese Bronze who owned Royal Enfield,Villiers,and AMC said stop all builds and produce the Commando only with AJS building off roaders and racers.So this Killed off the dessert sledges,shame !!.Oh they did build a few featherbed Mercuries but this just used up old stock. These mercuries were very nice bikes.Another Shame.
peter james owen said:
Oh they did build a few featherbed Mercuries but this just used up old stock. .

Old stock of what ??
That bit has been discussed elsewhere, from the numbers built the decision had to have been made to build them especially.
Particularly since they chose a different colour scheme for them.
Old stock would have seen them as more 650SS models....