Rebuilt the Sunburst

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Well just about anything a Dremell tool will contribute, velocity is not one of them.
Hi Dance,
Here is the story:
When I made my 920 with big valves, the first thing I did after brake in was going to the dyno, I was very surprised: not one HP more as with the 850 with normal valves.
I decide to go to Werner, a Belgiam specialist in flowing, he did the job, I go back to the dyno and you know what? 10HP more.
So I still believe in flowing, but it must be done by a specialist and Werner is one of them

Everybody know the Russian roulette?
But do you know the Congolees roulette?
You have the choice to be s..k by one of the six Congolees beautys that line up in front of you.
Be carefull, one of the girls is a cannibal.


The Jim Schmidt piston made for the long rods


The JS long rods

The diamond coated piton pin

The blocks to fit the BSA lifters

The beehive valve springs

The home made tool for the spring height mesurment.

Hi there
Christmas at February
I receive my parts from Jim Schmidt, ship by DHL, top!
The pistons and cylinder are alredy to Jos to re-bore
Tomorow I will put the valves in the head
Next step will be mounting the long rods on the Maney crankshaft
The cylinder will be back by the end of the week, then I will adapt the squish band
Bring the crankshaft to Dynamequil for balancing
As you see, still a lot of work to do.

I feel stupid becouse I not discover the issue with the PW3 camshaft before striping the engine.
The last time I was ridind the bike was to made some pics, the engine lost power, a lot of vibes, but I was not alarmed, how can I be so stupid!
Of course, nowing that I will strip the engine will help me to find the problem. but I never imagine sutch damage on the camshaft.

Keep you posted


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Hi there,
Last days I was working on the installed height for the beehive springs, target is between 1.450 and 1.350.
1.450 is for streer use and 1.350 is for racing, I will try 1.370
I have to work with shims from different tickness.
This is a time consuming job.
I will pick-up my Maney cylinder to day, re-bore to 73.5
Nekt week I will bring the crank for balancing.
Step by step I will reach the end
I love your engine mods. That bike will be fast. I'd almost pay the airfare over there just for a ride!
Hi there,
I did a lot of work the last week,
I spend a lot of time adjusting the beehive spring height, I must ad a lot of shims under the lipped botom washer, the shoulder of the guide is to short for the amount of shim I was using, the spring was no more in the center. Jim Schmidt give me the solution: thikker lipped bottom washers, JS wants to send me some thikker bottom washer but i ask my machineshop to do it , job done, now the bottom washers are centered over the guide with 1.385 spring height.
I put the four valves with the springs, I must put the rockers on it now.
Beside the springs I did a lot of other works: Pick- up the cylinder by joss, the re-bore look amazing.
I put the bronze followers guide in the cylinder.
The maney crank will be back on friday, BF will be 68 wet / 72 dry.
I hope to have the engine in the frame at the end of next week.
pics will follow.

A exibisionist meet a young girl
-Do you ever see a penis?
- The girl say no, never.
- Well look here this is a penis.
-Oh yes I see, its like a dick but a lot smaller.


Head ready to go to the flow bench

The JS beehive springs with the titanium cups, spring height 1.387. KBW valves.

The cylinder, bore to 73.5 and bronze lifters

case, timing side with the JS 2 smootramp camshaft

Case, transmission side

The Maney crank with the JS long rods and the BF set to 72% dry.

A man come in the hell.
The chief devil welcome him.
Don't be afraid friend, the hell is a kind of paradise.
Are you a smoker, yes? you will like the monday, every monday you can smoke the best cigars in the world.
Do you take drugs? Yes? you will like the tuesdeay, every tuesday you can use all kind of drugs.
Do you like alcoolic beverage? Yes? you will like the wednesday you can use all kind of alcool.
Are you a little homosexual?
I am afraid you will not like the thursday.



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Engine almost ready


Maney cylinder with JS HC pistons


top view with the JS push rods

Oil pump and Comstock chain tensioner ready.

Hi there,
here is what I did the pass week:
Close the crankcases with the maney crank and the JS2 camshaft
A lot of work to do the squish, at the end I put the cylinder w/o base gasket and use a 0.5mm cooper head gasket to ritch a 1.2mm squish.
I did the mesurments of the squish w/o rings on the pistons.
I put the rings on the pistons and did the final assembly from the cylinder.
But before I give a call to Bert, aka Johntickle on the forum, becouse I broke one of the screws from the lifters separators, still needed even with the JS blocks.
Who is Bert: he is the owner from a few Comandos and is house is full of second hands parts, Bert is living close to my workshop and one hour later he was there with the screw and he give me a hand to torke the cylinder, thanks Bert!
I put the oil pump and the Comstock cam chain tensioner.
Tomorow I will bring the head to Werner Duchene for flowing, this will take a few days, so I will work on the electric.
When the head will be back I must do the so important cam timing.
I hope to have the Seeley on the road in 3 weeks.
I hope also that I will have no issues, I take so mutch care for this engine.

Keep you posted
I hope to have the bike ready in 3 weeks
Are you going to change out spring washers and replace with plain on the rocker spindles?
Are you going to change out spring washers and replace with plain on the rocker spindles?
Hi Steves,
My rockers are just in the middel from the valve tips, even if I push the rocker full left or right, it is still on the valve tip.
The theory says that by high RPM, the rocker can come near the valve tip, to me this is theory.
I never go over 6.500 RPM, so I dont see any reason to change the spring washers for plain.
Maybe some members have other reasons to do it, let us know please.
Well, personally I buy into the theory that the friction generated by the spring washers in inconsequential to power loss.

I‘m also rather partial to the theory that the tiny friction they do induce may provide some damping which is beneficial to countering the strange harmonics etc that can occur with the valve train at revs. A topic tentatively put forward in Comnoz’ spintron posts IIRC.
I made plain washers just to center the rocker over the valve. I think I mainly did it because my Triumph thackeray washes ate my rocker box lol
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I made plain washers just to center the rocker over the valve. I think I mainly did it because my Triumph thackeray washes ate my rocker box lol
Haha - I could imagine that as a headline on the Daily Sport "Thackeray Washers Ate My Rocker Box"

It's my opinion that Norton only used those to speed up / simplify production. Maybe there is an unintentional side effect that Eddie mentions, but it's probably important to make sure that the face edge at each end is not sharp if you intend to continue to use them. Personally if I were blueprinting an engine like Yves is I would replace them with shims.
I think it was Dunstall who had thick p/ bronze washers in his bike catalogue.
Surely these are easily enought to make?
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