Engine almost ready
Maney cylinder with JS HC pistons
top view with the JS push rods
Oil pump and Comstock chain tensioner ready.
Hi there,
here is what I did the pass week:
Close the crankcases with the maney crank and the JS2 camshaft
A lot of work to do the squish, at the end I put the cylinder w/o base gasket and use a 0.5mm cooper head gasket to ritch a 1.2mm squish.
I did the mesurments of the squish w/o rings on the pistons.
I put the rings on the pistons and did the final assembly from the cylinder.
But before I give a call to Bert, aka Johntickle on the forum, becouse I broke one of the screws from the lifters separators, still needed even with the JS blocks.
Who is Bert: he is the owner from a few Comandos and is house is full of second hands parts, Bert is living close to my workshop and one hour later he was there with the screw and he give me a hand to torke the cylinder, thanks Bert!
I put the oil pump and the Comstock cam chain tensioner.
Tomorow I will bring the head to Werner Duchene for flowing, this will take a few days, so I will work on the electric.
When the head will be back I must do the so important cam timing.
I hope to have the Seeley on the road in 3 weeks.
I hope also that I will have no issues, I take so mutch care for this engine.
Keep you posted
I hope to have the bike ready in 3 weeks