This bike is beatifull, but I stay by my choice, only spoke weels can match my Seeley and is period related
Everyone has their own preferences, I've always preferred the Kuhn Seeley style.
That said, yours is pretty special too
This bike is beatifull, but I stay by my choice, only spoke weels can match my Seeley and is period related
Well, if, I say, if you want light wheels. . . . . . .I can not imagine Mag alloy weels on my Seeley
Yves I know it must seem a bodge , but my Avon fairing was supplied with a frame easily secured to commando frame headstock by large jubilee clips .. it has never moved .
Yes Castolin is brazing, the best you can find, but be ready to pay high prices and you must buy 10 kilos at once, what I never did, I always find a friend that give me some small quantity. the full name is Eutectic Castolin.What is Castolin, Yves? Brazing?