Rebuilt the Sunburst

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Hi there,
With the help from Jan aka Ludwig, the engine is in the frame, It take us 3 hours of work to center the engine and to tighten all the bolts.
I hope to find the power to finish the bike alone, but it already look like a motorcycle.
Now I have to fit all the perifericals, like ignition, carbs, exhaust, clutch and so on.
Still a lot of work to do, now I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Pics will follow soon.
I tell you: Ludwig is a great man, five minutes with him is equal as years of experience.
Keep you posted

It start to look like a motorcycle, no?
Pazon ignition is static set at 31 degrees.
On the pic right you can see the Andrews coil.


The 40mm belt and the Jean Noel Gindrat clutch.


The Alton rotor and stator and the silent blocs that hold the cover, so far not mounted, I must the clutch plates first.


The holding system for the stator is the work from Kenny Cumings, his belt was 30mm, I change it for a 40mm, to do that I have to make longer parts that hold the stator. note that the Maney cases are the racing ones, with full casting thickness on the crankshaft bearing.

chimay sur patin.jpg

Nostalgia: Thats me, I was stuntman for a few years, it helps me to pay the racing, Jean Paul Gilson ( RIP ) my monkee is on the steering.
I hold the world record at 180 km/h, with steel soles on my feets. I dont know if someone broke this record.
The side car is a Terry Windel ( RIP ) with a TZ 750 4 cylinders two stroke.
I you wish to see other stunts from my craizy years, let me know.
Keep you posted


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It start to look like a motorcycle, no?
Pazon ignition is static set at 31 degrees.
On the pic right you can see the Andrews coil.

View attachment 78714
The 40mm belt and the Jean Noel Gindrat clutch.

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The Alton rotor and stator and the silent blocs that hold the cover, so far not mounted, I must the clutch plates first.

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The holding system for the stator is the work from Kenny Cumings, his belt was 30mm, I change it for a 40mm, to do that I have to make longer parts that hold the stator. note that the Maney cases are the racing ones, with full casting thickness on the crankshaft bearing.

View attachment 78719
Nostalgia: Thats me, I was stuntman for a few years, it helps me to pay the racing, Jean Paul Gilson ( RIP ) my monkee is on the steering.
I hold the world record at 180 km/h, with steel soles on my feets. I dont know if someone broke this record.
The side car is a Terry Windel ( RIP ) with a TZ 750 4 cylinders two stroke.
I you wish to see other stunts from my craizy years, let me know.
Keep you posted
Ditto on seeing more of your crazier times Yves. Sunburst is looking awesome, by the way! Thx for posting! My progress is boring and so slow. Buying new brake caliper pistons and seals. No money for even new wear pads yet.
Lookin’ gooooood Yves !!

But come one, what kind of questions is this “If you wish to see other stunts from my crazy years, let me know”.

DUH !!

Get posting those picks Yves ....!
I will do it, I must go to the attic to find my press books under the dust, then ask Fabien to take some pics from the old photos and put it on the PC.
The pics from the steel sole was send by email from a old friend afew days a go.
I speak a lot on this forum, but I never speak in the normal life; only when really needed.

-In a conversation it is better to shut up and maybe pass for an idiot than to speak and leave no doubt that you are an idiot.

Ditto on seeing more of your crazier times Yves. Sunburst is looking awesome, by the way! Thx for posting! My progress is boring and so slow. Buying new brake caliper pistons and seals. No money for even new wear pads yet.
Hi CJ,
How is your wife doing, hope good!
I would like to see more pictures also, That clutch is a work of art in my opinion. How did you keep form burning the bottom of your feet?? The heat must have been incredible and very quickly? Your bike is looking like it is close to being on the road, keep up the great work.
Yves, I too want to see more photos!

The last time I heard of an Andrews coil was on my hot-rod Honda CB550 with Yoshimura 590 kit. I had a Martek EI with Andrews coils. I could ALMOST keep up with my KZ1000 till about 100MPH then the big KZ would walk away.

In 2010 I got to race two races at Willow Springs as monkey on a 2005 LCR GSX1000 Formula 1 sidecar, THAT was the craziest ride of my life, unbelievably fun that we won in class both races, and the owner won the championship that year.


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  • Rebuilt the Sunburst
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Yves, I too want to see more photos!

The last time I heard of an Andrews coil was on my hot-rod Honda CB550 with Yoshimura 590 kit. I had a Martek EI with Andrews coils. I could ALMOST keep up with my KZ1000 till about 100MPH then the big KZ would walk away.

In 2010 I got to race two races at Willow Springs as monkey on a 2005 LCR GSX1000 Formula 1 sidecar, THAT was the craziest ride of my life, unbelievably fun that we won in class both races, and the owner won the championship that year.
Me too. And to think you are still alive. Amazing.

You'll love that Pazon. Fit according the the instructions and forget. When I fitted mine several years ago, I put a timing light on it and it was exactly 31 degrees. Never a problem since.
I will do it, I must go to the attic to find my press books under the dust,...
...Hi CJ,
How is your wife doing, hope good!
Well, they were able to remove all of the tumor, unfortunately the pituitary gland "stalk" was totally consumed by it, and had to be removed with the tumor. She has to take 7 pills a day from now on, but will be okay, thanks for asking. **...Now back to our regularly scheduled program of ; Crazy Yves and Sunburst-"the big spender 2.0"!! :)
I'm with you Jan. A full update, lol with pictures please Ludwig. A follow up to a lightweight Commando please.
Excellent progress, and thanks for sharing the photos - I have Maney race cases also, so the alternator installation is very interesting - I didn't like the idea of sacrificing strength where it's most needed either ;)
I would like to see more pictures also, That clutch is a work of art in my opinion. How did you keep form burning the bottom of your feet?? The heat must have been incredible and very quickly? Your bike is looking like it is close to being on the road, keep up the great work.
Doing this stunt is very technical, the sole is 2cm thick, the imprint of my boot sole was milled in the steel sole and straps hold the soles on my boots.
The most difficult was to start, you must do it slowly, not eazy with the 120 hp from the TZ 750, at the start I must do a few steps to have the soles sliding, we use a very long gearing becouse every gear change is a danger.
To ritch 180km/h I need almost 1 mile, my feets were warm but not a big deal, the big danger was to fall, each sole was around 10 pounds, you can imagine your legs bones when you fall with 10 pounds on each foot. I never fall thanks the Lord.
At night shows we put gazoline on the track; the spark from the steel sole put fire on it; I must have some pics from night shows.
Dont try to do it, very risky!
Excellent progress, and thanks for sharing the photos - I have Maney race cases also, so the alternator installation is very interesting - I didn't like the idea of sacrificing strength where it's most needed either ;)
The idee for the alternator installation is from Kenny Cumings
It must have been a great show to watch that's for sure, yes that would have been very dangerous with fuel on the ground also. Wish I could have seen it.
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