Far as starting, hobot's right. You can just about not flood the thing starting it unless it's already hot, but not to say to over do it. Also push the engine over with the KS until it just goes over compression stroke, you'll know. Then let the KS lever all the way back up, this gives you some impulsion. Give it some tickling if not already, choke won't hurt, some throttle. Then give it both barrels, a hard push, not really a kick and make sure you get the KS through 2 compression strokes. You should end up with the KS lever all the way down. It should start on the second compression, usually won't start on the first compression, at least mine won't unless it's hot but if I can get it over the second one it almost always starts. I actually have to get up on both foot pegs (off the ground) and give it all my weight and all my muscle to get mine through the second compression. Make sure the battery is full.
Some people start from the side but I have to start standing off both pegs.
I give up and figure something is wrong if mine won't start on the 3rd try. Once you figure the routine, they get easier, but it takes some experience. Actually I can't go much past about 4 tries before I have to take a break. You also have to believe it will start, there's some attitude in the process.
Grade 8 or better bolt for the KS is good, and also crank that honey down. You don't want to be eating the splines off that trans shaft$$$. Use a flat under the bolt head so it's a bit easier to torque. Use some anti-sieze. Doesn't hurt sometimes to ream out the non-threaded part where the bolt first goes in, sometimes they bind and makes it hard to tighten correctly or even tries to bend the bolt.