Wow!!! Thanks for the detailed message RoadScholar, and for the encouragement

. And thanks Baz for the quick responses on the full advance and kickback. And thanks again to everyone else who helped out earlier: L.A.B., Ashman, Torontonian, TexasSlick, MexicoMike, Rvich, Nortoniggy, Auldblue, Craig, Gortnipper, oONortonOo and Triumph2. You've all been wonderfully helpful, and this morning I finally made some serious progress.
Being the labor day weekend, I finally have some time to get at the bike properly. I took my time, made a list of things to go through, one at a time, in the correct order, to see if I could sort out the kickback and try getting her to run again. I pulled the plugs and gave the kick a few pushes and it was plain that they were sparking all out as soon as the thing moved at all. Because I'm working with a hotwire setup made with wiring ripped out of old vehicles at the local dump, and since my negative wire is spliced in a couple of places, I figured that was the likely source of the problem. And this turned out to be the case. One of the wire nuts I had used had come loose. I spent time making each connection as good as I could using the materials and tools I have at hand, and it paid off. When I was through she was sparking at the appropriate times again. To do this I removed the gas tank, and when I put it back on I check the plugs again to make double-sure that everything was working properly.
Next I went to the carb, which I had torn down, cleaned, and rebuilt the other day. I hadn't had a chance to really test it out since I was dealing with intense kickback that evening. I decided to test it out now that I had the ignition setup decently, and the only thing I did with the carb today was drain it from the bottom once, and I made sure that fuel was getting to it. After this was finished and all tightened up again I turned on the taps, pushed the enricher lever down and gave her a few kicks - the first few were very timid and ginger after the kickback session the other night, but before long it was clear that I wasn't going to get my leg torn off by the kick lever today. She fired for a second almost right away but that was it. I tried for a while and looked at the plugs and could see she was getting fuel this time. First time ever. And eventually I thought to try with the enricher lever up, since it's warm out, and for the first time with the lever in this position she fired for a second. This happened a couple of times and then I tried with a little bit of throttle and she fired up like a dream

!!! This was the first time I was able to get her to run for more than 3-4 seconds maximum, and with a little tinkering with the throttle stop screw and the air screw I was able to get her to idle nicely. My neighbor came running over excitedly to try revving her a little and for a high-five, and a nearby construction worker came over to admire her and hear her run. I'm super happy at the moment. I may take her for a little spin after, but at this point I'm just overjoyed to have her running and to know that she works

. When I'm done celebrating I'll get down to business on the original short circuit issue. I'll keep you posted, and will probably have lots more questions when I get into that.
Thanks a million again all for the help and the patience

!!!! This forum is amazing.