Hey folks, an update for you:
I spent some time at the machine this evening. One of the challenges I have is that neither of the local stores sell wiring of any kind, or the things that fuses slot into (whatever those are called). They do sell fuses though, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. So anyway, after checking each store I made a trip down to the town's dump and pulled a few decent looking wires out of a couple of the old wrecked vehicles down there. This was in case I wanted to try the bipass method that Torontonian explained for me last night, if I was unable to find the short today.
I used the VOM as explained by Slick and tried unplugging each component according to both his and L.A.B.'s instructions. The reading stayed at about zero (around 0.01 or so) the whole time. I think I pulled everything except for the horn and the back light, but I did wiggle the leads on the back light and it had no effect. I followed the ground wires as suggested by Ashman, but I didn't quite finish exploring that scenario as some of the wiring goes into some very difficult to reach areas. I tried wiggling the wiring in various places all over the bike and that didn't provide any clues.
Anyway, the sun was sinking in the sky and I felt like I wanted to see some kind of progress so I decided to try out the bipass method to see if I could get anything to happen. So I got the dump wires I collected earlier, as well as the negative lead off the bike which has the fuse slot on it, (which the previous owner had cut off before and had taped back on - so I didn't have to do damage to use it). I carefully connected this to my negative wire and prepared everything. I pulled the plugs, laid them next to the spark plug holes, connected the plug wires and my bypass wires - checking everything twice before connecting the battery. Then I climbed onto the bike and gave her a kick... and nothing.... I was about to push the bike over the bank (kidding) when I noticed my ground wire was a bit loose so I gave it a poke and the plugs sparked! I made sure it was connected well and climbed back on and gave her another few kicks and I got beautiful sparks on both plugs every time

!!! I haven't tried to start her yet as by this time it was dark and I want to make sure the oil level is good and that everything is connected well before I do, but I'm very happy at the moment. This is the first progress I've made so far, and I'm left feeling hopeful that this machine might run after all. I'll sleep good tonight, and I should have lots of time to work on her over the weekend.
If all my dreams come true and I am able to get her to run like this, how long of a ride can I go on before the battery dies?
Thanks so much for all the help with this so far!!!!