Hey folks,
It's been a while so I thought I'd post a progress report

. When I last wrote I was about to leave town for about 2 months, and part of that time was spent in the area that I bought the bike. I had been in touch with the PO who had found a few more parts that he was interested in selling. I stopped by his place when I had a chance and was able to get the original seat, instruments, rear wheel hub and spokes, ignition coils and points, exhaust pipe nuts, clamps and other hardware, camshaft, two ignition switches, another set of keys, speedo part that goes onto the wheel, and a few other things, for what I think was an excellent price. While I was there I rebuilt the main switch, as per the detailed instructions that L.A.B. sent the link for, and I think I did a darn fine job of that, if I do say so myself

. I also spent time here and there while I was away polishing up the rest of the stuff that I got from the PO that I plan to use - the wheel hub and spokes, the seat, instruments, the speedo part I mentioned. I have no intention of using the points/original coils at this point, but the PO wanted to throw them in with the purchase, which was really nice of him. I shipped these parts at the same time that I was leaving for home, and they just arrived a few days ago

I've been back home for a few weeks now and the new Podtronics regulator/rectifier is here, but I haven't had a chance to install it yet. I've ordered a few more parts as well, including a wiring harness, so I'll probably wait untill that's here before I try doing anything with the new regulator. I've asked Santa to bring peashooter pipes and a rim for the rear wheel

. I hope to build the wheel over the winter, and try to put on the new pipes as well. The wiring may need to wait until spring since I have the bike in my shed and the temperature is getting very low now. Not the best conditions for electrical work. Any suggestions for other things besides wheel building that I can do in the house, that don't involve bringing the whole bike in/getting divorced

Anyway, I thought I would send a note to let you know where I am with this, to say thanks again for all the help before, and to let you know that I'll be back with lots more questions in the coming months

. Talk soon,