After reading all the comments, I don’t understand the dislike for these modern classics if I dare say?
One can percieve them as freeloaders trading in on others traditions .
Triumph , B S A , Norton were respected Names , awed in some quarters .
Asking the G P Drivers ' what was the best racing motorbike ' The reply was Gilera .
Can you buy the ? " NO " .
Whats the best one you can buy , then . ? " NORTON " , from the mouth of Brabham , Stewart & Others . Around 67 at ' the Steering wheel Club ' N.Z. G.P. .
I dont see anything to repespect . Reliable durable , sure ( Er perhaps ) But penache , style , unassailable , er no . Just another sausage machine product .
I dont think a exciteable twit with a computer whos ignorant of most Automotive ENGINEERING Traditions , can rival Turner , Ferrari , the Masserati's , Vauxhall ,
Dodge , Chrysler , Dusenburg , Offenhauser etc , BECAUSE THEYRE NOT IN THE SAME GAME .
Whatsmore , theyre NOT trying to be .
The BSA Chassis is not concieved to be fastest round Ascot , the Isle of Man , or anything else . The Originals had that in sight , at least . AT THE DRAWING BOARD .
Avg. Corvette was a throwaway , so theyve got that in common , at least .
Id find something that someone feel off at half speed ( 270 mph ) sitting
in my foyer an embarrasment . If it didnt do what it outer . FAIL , score 0 .
Most seem designed to illustrate the designers cleverness , these days .
Something obviously lacking . They havnt built on the traditions .
Theyve copied Jap ' product engineering ' A Laverda looks like hewn
from solid . Sculpture . As did most BSA & Triumph ,
Form / Balance etc Form derived from function - With Style .
imitation is the highest form of flattery , but hardly betterment .
If it isnt betterment its retrograde , tho it may be more conveniant .
A Sopwith Camel would be damn invconvieniant , but its still the best Sopwith Camel .
and even has a H M Bently motor . NOT a Nazi or Jap one .
Hispano , Mikuen or Shvetsov ! . WINNERS .

At the Pinnacle . Tho pre war they could be cantankerous .
One might say they havnt fully earned their spurs , yet . The odd stroke of genius in ' speed triple '
as a name etc , and the 90 Deg. triple cranks something new . But that many twerps youd think
Theyed HAVE to come up with SOMETHING , wouldnt you . Infinate monkeys & Typwriters + Shakespears
complete works , given a bit of time .
But they do appear to be monkeying .
I suppose the problem is Plastic Cups & No smoking . A matter of sensabilities . would YOU take THIS ON ?
All in a rush chasing their tails , and profits , these days .
Astom Martin existed for 70 years NEVER making a profit . ILLEGAL under Australian Law ! ( wouldnt be - then )
Mostly wankers cars , these days , tho one looks like it'd make a pretty good Mk 1 Cortina 9 & a Jag V 8 a rally car in the same mold . but ' repect ? Hysteria more likely .
Soup one up a bit and it might go o.k. , but mostovem up close look a bit tacky , the computer opperators illustrating their ' design genius ' in computer art . Not really Blacksmiths , who had a Feel For It ! .