Mahindra BSA's

I don’t know if it is poor quality sound recording on the video, but there is a lot of mechanical goings on that don’t sound like a well oiled machine working in harmony.
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An indian presenter speaking proper english. What a delight!

The designers ditched the left hand side final drive. Bravo! I wonder if the starting motor gears are behind that timing cover, similar to the Triumph TSX ?
The water cooled engine with ribbed cylinder and head imitating an air cooled engine looks good. The cooler itself doesn't get my vote though. It looks oversize and clumsy, as if taken from a 50's small car.

- Knut
I really don't understand the whole: 'Old vs New' pitch?? Are there a bunch of aliens just dropped down from the planet Zod with space credits burning a hole in their wallets on a mission to own anything named: 'GoldStar'.... But in a quandary as to which to go for??
A blind man with half an eye knows the 'oldie' in DBD form is a 'one trick pony', but will always have it's devotees, and I bet none of them are sweating over the resale values of their P&J because there's a 'better' new kid on the block..
We all expect the newbies to be all things to all men, it'd be daft to bring anything to the market that couldn't do hand stands, make bread, take out the trash etc. etc.... But why try and convince us it's 'better' than the old one?

A pointless exercise, IMHO.
"Most authentic British Modern Classic"???

I don't think so, Tim.
I suppose the herald is more of an authentic modern British classic
As it is it is partially built and designed in the UK
Along with Norton if they get it together?
At last ,more info.
The question has been put out there before. Who is the importer? Will they team up with existing Triumph and Royal Enfield dealers? I remember the mess with Norton when there was an importer, then there wasn't. No dealer network, closest dealer was states away and warranty claims unpaid.
I think most of the new ' Old British ' designs are a case of ' the Emprers New Clothes ' .

Mahindra BSA's

Improved ? O' Reilly . ! Part from six speeds , beef up the suspension & put a front brake on it , why bother . Obviously it might need a radiator & a bit of coolant somewhere .

They said ' about 135 m.p.h. , downhill with a tail wind . ' .

Mahindra BSA's

And as for EXHAUST PIPES ! dont make me laugh .

Mahindra BSA's

Id thought royal oilfield had set the record for trashy exhaust pipes . Not sure what they know about BSA , think theyre trying to proove thyre more cleaver . Ho Hum Harr O .

Youd think theve missed so many boats that theyed left them all over t dunkirk , these days .

Mahindra BSA's

Is the use of the " Gold star " authorised ?

Mahindra BSA's

Mahindra BSA's

Mahindra BSA's

RIGHT . up'n'at it .
The First ' GOLD STAR '

Mahindra BSA's

" Zenith also built the first British motorcycle to lap Brooklands at 100mph in 1922 ridden by Bert Le Vack. "

Reducing it to the essential elements would go a long way . Unless you want to use it for shopping .

Mahindra BSA's

What wouldit look like stripped to the bare bones . Seems art for arts sake is the new ' tradition ' ?

And of course , versatality should be a prime requirement .
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I think most of the new ' Old British ' designs are a case of ' the Emprers New Clothes ' .

Mahindra BSA's

Improved ? O' Reilly . ! Part from six speeds , beef up the suspension & put a front brake on it , why bother . Obviously it might need a radiator & a bit of coolant somewhere .

They said ' about 135 m.p.h. , downhill with a tail wind . ' .

Mahindra BSA's

And as for EXHAUST PIPES ! dont make me laugh .

Mahindra BSA's

Id thought royal oilfield had set the record for trashy exhaust pipes . Not sure what they know about BSA , think theyre trying to proove thyre more cleaver . Ho Hum Harr O .

Youd think theve missed so many boats that theyed left them all over t dunkirk , these days .

Mahindra BSA's

Is the use of the " Gold star " authorised ?

Mahindra BSA's

Mahindra BSA's

Mahindra BSA's

RIGHT . up'n'at it .
That b50 was just about the last gasp of a goldstar
Mahindra BSA's
Mahindra BSA's

I find any exposed tank seams careless and slovenly ,
casual cheap and visually offensive ! :eek:

The Tradition B S A approach , not to mention the L R Commando Fastback .

Mahindra BSA's

( might have to overlook the slimline oil tube A 65 version )

Mahindra BSA's

Or the Superior Triumph Workmanship .

Mahindra BSA's

Even if it is ' Maiden Idia ' perhaps . Conversely prefer the Earlier tank to the ' seamless ' .

Mahindra BSA's

Has to be flawless workmanship , to ' come of ' . These on T 150s look great - fins hanging out empisised . If only 75 mile range full wellie .
Unfortunately , you need to be mega fit & not unmusclar , to ' get it on ' on the dirt , with 600 c. c.
But youd think , if theyd considered the ancestry , the ' Dual Purpose ' Enduro / Tourer
would be a NATURAL for a big lusty single . :(

Mahindra BSA's

If theyre going to take over in the untidy states of America . ;)
Mahindra BSA's

Filters , spark arrestors , spare cables etc & Baja 1000 here we come ?

Mahindra BSA's

Willie makeit .

and just to ' rub it in ' a P-11 tank !!!!!!! Cost Cutting dont lead to a quality impresssion .

Mahindra BSA's

They called a B-50 a ' Gold Star ' round 72 . Its only a millimeter or so out on the bore & stroke from a B 34 .
Tecnically , you might say , a 608 C C M is related to a BSA Gold Star , and not disimilar .

Mahindra BSA's

Mahindra BSA's

They said it was the second most phisically demanding sport , to soccer .

Mahindra BSA's

That might not be entirely true . Now THIS is a GOLD STAR .

The closest I'll ever get to owning a real BSA goldstar is to build my own
A b50 motor in a b44 chassis


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