Born Again Bikes Experience

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Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
Slander is not allowed in this forum and this is what you agreed to:

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Call it what you want to, but I found it to be a valuable thread, and think this kind of information should be shared.
Jerry I do not understand what could be considered slanderous (or to be more accurate, libelous) about my post.

I feel that I did an accurate representation of the facts with a minimum of emotion. There was no malice or falsehood in anything I posted. At the end of the day it is your forum and we must abide by your rules, but please do not accuse me of libel or defamation.

I have had several people contact me over the years to ask about my experience with that shop, usually after they had an unfortunate experience as well.

I truly wish no ill will, and am beyond seeking any sort of compensation or redress from the shop. But I do feel it is a moral obligation to let potential customers know the facts of my experience as a client so they can make an informed decision.


- HJ
That's right jaydee! Kudos to the original poster for having the stones to say what others won't say and some refuse to believe or acknowledge. Reality of this lawyer ridden world of ours is that you can get screwed over by someone and be sued by them for telling the truth. Choose your words carefully. I'm 14 months into a lawsuit against a major oil changing chain for blowing up my Mercedes. So I can relate.
+1 - absolutely!

you did start the post off with...

>>>Purpose of this isn't to start a vendetta or flame war, just give my honest assessment of my involvement as a client and hopefully keep emotion out of it.

plus lets face it - the lack of any response/input from certain parties speaks volumes too :shock:

Hungry J0e said:
Jerry I do not understand what could be considered slanderous (or to be more accurate, libelous) about my post.

I feel that I did an accurate representation of the facts with a minimum of emotion. There was no malice or falsehood in anything I posted. At the end of the day it is your forum and we must abide by your rules, but please do not accuse me of libel or defamation.

I have had several people contact me over the years to ask about my experience with that shop, usually after they had an unfortunate experience as well.

I truly wish no ill will, and am beyond seeking any sort of compensation or redress from the shop. But I do feel it is a moral obligation to let potential customers know the facts of my experience as a client so they can make an informed decision.


- HJ
I most definitely agree. The slanderous accusation was not warranted.

It is my contention that if results of good work can be posted, same must go for bad work.

Hungry J0e said:
Jerry I do not understand what could be considered slanderous (or to be more accurate, libelous) about my post.

I feel that I did an accurate representation of the facts with a minimum of emotion. There was no malice or falsehood in anything I posted. At the end of the day it is your forum and we must abide by your rules, but please do not accuse me of libel or defamation.

I have had several people contact me over the years to ask about my experience with that shop, usually after they had an unfortunate experience as well.

I truly wish no ill will, and am not seeking any sort of compensation. But I do feel it is a moral obligation to let people know the facts of my experience as a client so they can make an informed decision.


- HJ
I also agree. I have no dog in this fight, so my comments are in general and not aimed at either party here. I use commercial sites like Yelp, and forums like this to gain knowledge of vendors. Lots of times I see conflicting reports - good and bad. I also post good and bad reviews as a service, and try to be as objective as possible. Not every job is going to be what the buyer wants for a variety of reasons, expectations of buyers and sellers is often not in alignment, and there are as many bad vendors as there are customers that can't be satisfied. That is why an objective, fact based review is very valuable, so one can weigh options. It doesn't always work, (I have a drywall horror story,) but forewarned is forearmed.

I also read the original post and thought it was good.
Another member here who didn't see anything wrong with the original post.
but then again..........
what do I know, I'm no lawyer, just a backyard mechanic with an affinity for old motorsickles.
I read the original post plus the replies and was very surprised when it was removed. There have been many posts where there have been adverse comments about individuals or businesses either implied or said outright, for example Norvil, Andover Norton, the chap on EBay with the Dunstall, Kenny Dreer and of course the New Norton concern. Non removed or edited so I don't see what's different with this one providing the comments can be substantiated and if required proven.
Like so many others on this forum, I'm not a lawyer so perhaps slander was not the right word. I may have overreacted in my sleepy state this morning. The purpose of this forum has always been the free exchange of information and ideas but not to be a place where it is possible to post attacks on people. Everyone's opinion is welcome but it should be the responsibility of the reader to determine the veracity of information posted before acting on it. I probably should not have deleted it, but it's too late now. Let's move on...
Jerry Doe said:
I probably should not have deleted it, but it's too late now. Let's move on..

Don't apologize Jerry. I didn't get to see the deleted thread, but I remember similar ones a year or so ago and they got unpleasant. All businesses draw some flak, but when the business owner is a member of this forum it seems to bring out the lynch mob mentality in some people. You decide when enough's enough. I'm sure at least 95% of the list, the silent majority? stand behind you.

I have nothing whatsoever in this discussion but I did read the original thread. I certainly wouldn't call it slanderous, just a detailled post about a Norton Owners bad experience with a vendor here on the forum. I didn't see anything that could have been taken as an attack on GP. Just a customer that had a very bad experience.

I personally feel that if vendors are allowed to sell their wares here, then they should be open to customer reviews.
Johnnymac said:
I personally feel that if vendors are allowed to sell their wares here, then they should be open to customer reviews.

+1 to that! These kinda things can go either way, some people say dumb things on the net because they're unreasonable, some people say good things about a business because they don't realize the crap they were handed. i like to read them all and try to make a decision based on all of them.
I agree that anyone should be free to criticize anyone else, but support Jerry when he uses past experience to shut a discussion down before it gets ugly. May be locking the thread and not deleting it would have been an option.

This is specifically a Norton COMMANDO forum.

We discuss venders all the time, we make positive and negative comments about people and companies selling
both goods and services here, all day long.

Over the years, many here have stated that it is equally important to both praise good people and also to call out bad people catering to our Commandos.

So what happened? A guy politely and respectfully called out a "bad guy".

What? Not supposed to do that? Not supposed to warn other Commando owners to not do business with him?

I don't get it why the thread was deleted, it was entirely legitimate and quite specific in its charges of incompetence.

I'm a forum member, I like and I need to read reviews of peoples and companies selling us products.

Sorry, nothing should be censored, unless of course filthy language was used in a post, all else is fair game.
Primarily, this forum exists for exchange of information about all things Norton. Hungry Joe's post was certainly informative, especially for anyone entertaining notions of using "Born Again Bikes" services .

BTW, I saved the original, since deleted, thread.
Hi Jim,

Do you think it will be beneficial to post the original topic. If so please re-post (or not). I guess, let you all voice your opinions and then it will go away (I think). I don't want to be considered the bad person here as I am not. I must admit I am quite surprised to see some of the emails I have received. Amazing really, turned to a personal attack on me, kind of weird. Les and I do our best here and this time it was my turn to take the hit or in your opinions make a mistake! Please don't be rude on the forum or send me aggressive emails. Try doing some push ups instead- You know who you are.

I am completely over it. Weather is finally cooling down, bike is running great and I am going for a ride tomorrow.

For those of you in Florida good luck with that hurricane and hang in there!

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