VIP Status

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Please can you confirm that the 'VIP Status ' is a voluntary position obtained through paying a voluntary financial contribution?
The merits of being in such a postion can be discussed here and argued over at your disgression - but please do not let it go any further and let it overflow into other unrelated topics on the forum. If you in fact have nothing ot add relating to any of the topics posted please do not make a comment.Thank you
Yes. It helps me cover server costs and my time.
A/N was generating income due to the Google banners, which helped a bit. Now its only VIP members that cover costs and you will notice there is a contribute button that I recently added. I removed the Google banners as we all hate them. VIP members never saw the banners. Unfortunately since I removed the banners, now I am losing VIP members, so its not really working out too well for me.
Bring the banners back Jerry.
Don't like banners? Support the forum via VIP.
It costs money to operate and support such a domain.
Pay to play and all that.
I really don't want to bring the Google banners back, I hate them. Trying to think of other ways. No ideas yet though.

I was thinking about selling AD space to more related companies, that specialize in classics or something. I decided against it so far. Main reason why is what if someone is advertising a crap product. Then all of a sudden I have to decide if its a crap product or not and I don't want to be in that position.

You must be a VIP to post a classifieds or to upload pics, I was hoping that would be enough.
Please can you confirm that the 'VIP Status ' is a voluntary position obtained through paying a voluntary financial contribution?
The merits of being in such a postion can be discussed here and argued over at your disgression - but please do not let it go any further and let it overflow into other unrelated topics on the forum. If you in fact have nothing ot add relating to any of the topics posted please do not make a comment.Thank you
Yes, however, a private individual is spending his time and money to provide this site and is selling nothing except the VIP status. He provides more service for that small fee.
I really don't want to bring the Google banners back, I hate them. Trying to think of other ways. No ideas yet though.

I was thinking about selling AD space to more related companies, that specialize in classics or something. I decided against it so far. Main reason why is what if someone is advertising a crap product. Then all of a sudden I have to decide if its a crap product or not and I don't want to be in that position.

You must be a VIP to post a classifieds or to upload pics, I was hoping that would be enough.
The banners never bothered me and 39 usd I think is a lot of money especially considering how many use the forum, would you get more if you just charged say 6 usd or perhaps just ask for donations?
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