richard-7 said:

I believe Norton takes care of issues as they arise, and there haven't been any new ones for a while. They are silly little issues and easy to sort ahead of time. I ride my bike 40-50 miles any day that isn't raining. Although the weatherman has got me a few times.

If you get a 2015 (or newer) I believe most issues have been sorted, by looking at G81 Can Cycles 2015 bike I was with at the INOA Rally. As soon as you get the bike add a transmission vent (I doubt this will be on from Norton but you never know). Follow the break in procedure to a T And before 1,000 miles Torque the Head. Keep the airbox drain hose plugged when riding and drain after every ride and put back the plug. Top up oil when ever it's too low.

Sounds simple enough. What about re-mapping? Should I make sure it has the most current map before I take delivery? I mentioned my Daytona 955i previously - it is so easy to swap maps in and out thanks to free software, TuneECU? Is there anything like that for the Norton 961?

Still deciding,
I started with the original map for the shorty exhaust with cats last Aug. Then a few weeks later the 77 map was released and that made a HUGE difference. I still have map 77 and I think it's great. However, I'm looking forward to the latest one when I get a chance to make the 2 hr ride. As of now, the only way to get a map is from a dealer. If you live far away from a dealer, make sure you have the latest map. I've ran 77 map since last fall trouble free. Hope this helps.
roofus said:
Hello Richard!

I have found your manuals to be very well done and very helpful! I am very much looking forward to your new projects.

From my point of view, it would be greatly appreciated if you could do one on "Oil in the Airbox" and how to deal with the problem.


Don (aka roofus)

I just sent out the OIL IN THE AIRBOX manual. Enjoy. :mrgreen:
Looks like I lost the ability to edit my first post to add the new manual to the list. Oh well. There should be a new home for this stuff soon.
What I have so far;

Fuel Tank Removal - Norton 961 (Get to battery and main fuse)
Removing Primary Side Cover - Norton 961 (Lots of reasons to get in here)
Removing Clutch Basket - Norton 961 (if you need to get to starter or check ring gear or replace clutch plates)
Cylinder Head Torque - Norton 961 (Recommended at 1,000 miles - prevent a blown head gasket)
Split Balance Gear Spring - Norton 961 (If your clutch or engine sounds noisy it's likely this)
Transmission Vent - Norton 961 (If you are blowing starter gaskets its probably this)
OIL CHANGE Transmission and Engine - Norton 961 (there is actually a lot to this)
Bulb Change - Norton 961
Cluster removal and re-install - Norton 961 (Latest update 24hr to 12hr clock)
Ignition Coil Replacement - Norton 961
Throttle Control - Norton 961 (there IS a trick to starting these bikes)
Oil in the Airbox - Norton 961 (A good read for those who may not know about this yet)
richard-7 said:
roofus said:
Hello Richard!

I have found your manuals to be very well done and very helpful! I am very much looking forward to your new projects.

From my point of view, it would be greatly appreciated if you could do one on "Oil in the Airbox" and how to deal with the problem.


Don (aka roofus)

I just sent out the OIL IN THE AIRBOX manual. Enjoy. :mrgreen:

Thanks Richard!

Now I understand the problem and how to deal with it! :D
richard-7 said:
Looks like I lost the ability to edit my first post to add the new manual to the list. Oh well. There should be a new home for this stuff soon.

I believe there was a problem some forum members going back and deleting posts so Jerry put a limit on how far back changes can be made. Even though I don't have a 961 I keep up with you posts. Your doing a lot of good work. Hope your dad is doing well.

richard-7 said:
Looks like I lost the ability to edit my first post to add the new manual to the list. Oh well. There should be a new home for this stuff soon.

There is now a 24 hr limit on message editing.
I've added the new manual to the list in your first post.
If you PM me (L.A.B.) with any further updates, I can add them to the list. :)
Deets55 said:
richard-7 said:
Looks like I lost the ability to edit my first post to add the new manual to the list. Oh well. There should be a new home for this stuff soon.

I believe there was a problem some forum members going back and deleting posts so Jerry put a limit on how far back changes can be made. Even though I don't have a 961 I keep up with you posts. Your doing a lot of good work. Hope your dad is doing well.


He is and Thank you!
Here is what I do with the manuals so I can keep them where I need them --- In the garage!

Norton Manuals
NEW MANUAL -- Starter Solenoid

Sadly with every start of the bike, the starter solenoid contacts erode slightly. This is with all electric start vehicles. The good news is; Solenoid contacts are replaceable. The BETTER news is, ONE07 tools have designed a tool to set the contacts without even removing the starter from the bike. The EVEN BETTER news is, this tool is very versatile!

You can use this tool to set the contacts while the starter is attached to the bike or on the bench and on top of that, it will work on other starters too. Harley and even a Kubota tractor starter.

No need to remove the starter from the bike and take it to an electrical shop to have rebuilt. Now we have the instructions and a tool to do it yourself. The tool should be available soon and with it we will supply a few extra contacts. I will send out the Manual Monday during the day. We are working away getting the best prices for the best quality tools and would like to release all the tools at once. Although a lot of people have some of the first lot of tools, we have many more available soon.

Thanks to everyone for your patience and generosity. This is a fantastic forum. When I joined, it was very negative and I'm glad within one year we have ran out the negative people and self policed this forum to be a great place to share info and even fashion sense.. lol. Because we are a mature group sharing our Norton experience we have our own NORTON 961 ENGINEER on board.

I have nothing to do with this forum other than a place to share things I know about my experiences with my bike or my dads experiences with his bike. And I'm glad others do the same. Birds of a feather flock together right??

Please look for the STARTER SOLENOID manual in your inbox Monday OCT 5th some time. (Just want to give it a once over before releasing it)

Thanks Richard, my Norton seems to have slowed down on dripping oil, I changed to Red Line 10/40 the Motul was boiling, my temp gauge stays around 680-700 F, so I have been keeping close. Please send the starter tool when you have them. thnx John
Dear Richard

This is my 1st post though I have been reading the forum for many months. Living in Melbourne Australia I have one of the 1st 961's bought in, though I did buy it 5 years ago, things got moving when Fraser motorcycles finally got the distributorship. They have done a fantastic job.

Am loving the bike and just finished running her in, 1,290km. Anyway love your work and am just into sorting my oil in air box issues.

Without doubt your manuals are one of the best sounding resources full stop. Just wondering if I could trouble you to get a copy......and without question am happy to purchase.

Thanks for your efforts and look fwd to a reply.

Kind regards
Richard L