+1 Must admit I am of the same opinion as DD, it's nine months since I picked up my TVS Sport and those silencers are starting to aggravate me somewhat. That flat monotonous NOISE and the poppin and a farting on the overrun , some people seem to like or accept that but not me I'm afraid. After eight years of listening to that lovely drone of a cat-less straight through system with long pipes and the music on the overrun, reminiscent of any old Brit bike twin or single I find the stubbies just emit a loud noise and a flat boring one at that and just plain annoying to other people especially in a queue of traffic. In all those eight year not once did I dislike the lovely 'burble' of my old system. The only good thing I can say about the new Sport is that it does sound great when short shifting up the box, reminds be about the film "Bullit".
So having thought a lot about this, unfortunately it keeps coming back to the same Elephant in the room, should I put my old peashooters back on
(what about the ECU) , could I gut the old silencers to make them straight through again (
what about the ECU), how about putting DB killers in the stubbies (
etc ). It's blatantly obvious that TVS can't or wont give
ANY info out to us plebs especially while it is still under warranty and even then zero chance later on. I don't know if you have noticed but they are becoming like the 'Arthur Daley' of bike sales, once the bike is sold,
down come the shutters and off go the lights and there off down the pub.
I just have to admit that there is just not enough info out there at the moment about the TVS ECU set up, whether some clever individual will come forward and be the 'Messiah' only time will tell, but here's keeping my fingers crossed.

P.S. Bike running great no probs so far, 12 ml of oil in 450 miles which I think is acceptable compared to my Donny bike , 0n a run 55mpg at a steady 70-75 and 60mpg once on the A roads in Wales probably due to all the 20mph limits.