Commando 961 sport - Year 2014

I accidentally started the bike with the oil cap off and it POURED oil everywhere. Daft question, but I assume you get it running and take the cover off to check?

Sorry for the potentially stupid question....
Could the oil tank have been overfilled previously ?
Quite possibly. Was servicing it for the first time so had no idea of the history.
TSB = Technical Service Bulletin.

This is the one referring to the oil in the airbox fix..

Crank breather to rocker box is the original setup that some folks have actually reverted to.

Unfortunately I think only Norton could tell you the part numbers you require.
This is really helpful, I am learning a lot from all your responses. My goal is fix the bike a.s.a.p. Thanks
Did you download the workshop manual on this site (in Resources) . After having had gone through this already , I would advise you to go the route of plugging the throttle body cross passage and set the idle with the stop screw (like you would on a carburetor) . I have done this and many others and this works superbly . Read about how to do this on this site look for the iwilson thread (idle problem solved) .
Hi Tony, I cant locate the workshop manual in the Resources, Is it under something else? Thanks
There are more questions now . If you did not get the TSB that addressed this then you need to see Stu or find the parts somewhere. The oil is leaking back through the oil pump to the crankcase sump and when you start up the bike this oil is pushed out through the breather and into the air box. You can probably talk to Stu about the one way valves ( one in the oil pump and the other in the return line from the oil cooler) . This should stop all the wetsumping provided your is oil pump is not leaking internally , where the oil will leak through to the oil pump drive shaft and back into the sump (bypassing the oil pump one way valve) . If this is the case your oil pump should be replaced , Stu may have a repair for this , I am not aware of a repair for this problem. Is your breather coming off the rocker box or the rear of crankcase to the air box ?
I went throgh this same senario and utimately had the oil seepage down to 12mm down on the stick in 2 weeks of sitting . This was much better than a dry oil tank in 8 hours of sitting which is what I had . SO , I replaced the oil pump with a new one and now no (zero) oil leaking into the sump . Once you stop the wetsumping , you can really evaluate your oil in airbox issue. How many miles on your bike ? Have you ever done a compression test ?
Hi Tony, I will contact Stu for the parts I need to fix the wetsumping issue, especially the one way valves. Once again, appreciate all the responses to date. Thanks
I purchased some parts for my Norton Commando 961 (2014) and I am not sure if they are correct parts/year therefore can anyone identify the part numbers listed below.

ECU Unit Part Number. 6500070 - E11 037667
Lambda Sensors - Part number 96873 - B

Thanks Richard
I purchased some parts for my Norton Commando 961 (2014) and I am not sure if they are correct parts/year therefore can anyone identify the part numbers listed below. ECU Unit Part Number. 6500070 - E11 037667 Lambda Sensors - Part number 96873 - B Thanks Richard
I purchased some parts for my Norton Commando 961 (2014) and I am not sure if they are correct parts/year therefore can anyone identify the part numbers listed below. ECU Unit Part Number. 6500070 - E11 037667 Lambda Sensors - Part number 96873 - B Thanks Richard
I would ask Stu Bodycote , PM him .
Can anyone help me please. I just purchased my first Norton Commando 961 Sport 2014 and what I did not realize is no Norton dealer can fix my issue with the idle control neither can I obtain a workshop manual to try and fix it myself. The issue I have is the bike runs uneven, one exhaust seems to be OK and the other seems to miss a beat. Also, a little oil goes into the air filter after when I have taken the bike for a run. Any help an assistance will be gratefully appreciated.
Both quite normal. The left pipe usually feels like it's got a misfire at the tail pipe....even if it's running perfect. If it had a misfire, you'd know about it.
Oil in airbox. Too many variables to bring into account here. What's the oil level on the dipstick, which revision dipstick, what grade oil was used etc etc. Wet sumping and oil in airbox on a run are different concerns. Wet sumping is just a part of owning a dry sumped bike. As already mentioned, fire it up, leave to idle for a few minutes, shut down and check the level. If it's the old shorter dipstick, don't fill about the minimum mark. If it's the later longer dipstick with a knurled finish between the levels, aim for around 1/3rd up above min. I think with some problematic 961s, 20w50 semi synthetic helps.