961 Erratic take off in first gear like I'm a learner - help please

No worries dude.
There's a clutch basket holding tool, but apart from that you can do the rest with a aluminium or copper wedge for the gears, and a pick for the backlash. You'll need a good quality two bolt (m8) puller for the backlash gear. Early bikes the back lash gear can get really stuck on, later bikes they come off very easy.
Even if you find it to just be a loose centre basket nut, I wouldn't stop there....just do a full strip and inspect whilst you're there. Even if I'm just doing a simple shift mechanism adjustment, I still do a full strip down and inspect. Parts are hard to find and expensive, so it's worth investing time to ensure longevity.
Hi Stu, the tool you suggested worked well thank you. I cannot see any real issues to cause me a significant problem at present but for the life of me I cannot remove the clutch basket and ring gear.
I have a puller but does not get behind the ring gear. I can get it to pull the basket itself but am concerned if I pull too hard it will be destroyed. Any tricks of the trade that may help me?

961 Erratic take off in first gear like I'm a learner - help please

Also, I read on the forum where someone suggested you enlarge the oil holes in the clutch hub - if so can I ask size thanks. Cheers Paul

961 Erratic take off in first gear like I'm a learner - help please
Hi Stu, the tool you suggested worked well thank you. I cannot see any real issues to cause me a significant problem at present but for the life of me I cannot remove the clutch basket and ring gear.
I have a puller but does not get behind the ring gear. I can get it to pull the basket itself but am concerned if I pull too hard it will be destroyed. Any tricks of the trade that may help me?

961 Erratic take off in first gear like I'm a learner - help please

Also, I read on the forum where someone suggested you enlarge the oil holes in the clutch hub - if so can I ask size thanks. Cheers Paul

961 Erratic take off in first gear like I'm a learner - help please
OK Im just going to say this.....DO NOT USE A PULLER LIKE THAT!!!

did you follow the directions here Clutch Basket Removal
Yes ta, pic was for demonstration - would end up busting the basket for sure. Followed Richards instructions that says to 'slide off the clutch basket...' no way this basket will 'slide' off without some sort of force, perhaps some heat required? 6/2015 build.
Yes ta, pic was for demonstration - would end up busting the basket for sure. Followed Richards instructions that says to 'slide off the clutch basket...' no way this basket will 'slide' off without some sort of force, perhaps some heat required? 6/2015 build.
Try a little heat , maybe that will help free it off the mainshaft.
Hi Stu, the tool you suggested worked well thank you. I cannot see any real issues to cause me a significant problem at present but for the life of me I cannot remove the clutch basket and ring gear.
I have a puller but does not get behind the ring gear. I can get it to pull the basket itself but am concerned if I pull too hard it will be destroyed. Any tricks of the trade that may help me?

961 Erratic take off in first gear like I'm a learner - help please

Also, I read on the forum where someone suggested you enlarge the oil holes in the clutch hub - if so can I ask size thanks. Cheers Paul

961 Erratic take off in first gear like I'm a learner - help please
I think @Stu Bodycote runs a 1mm larger drill through them.
cheers ta. I put the empty hub back on the splines without the nut so not tight at all and there is some rocking - thought there could be some but is this amount of rocking normal? I did feel this before I pulled it all apart. Here's link to a video that will hopefully work ok.
I see the video. Is the hub rocking on the shaft, or is the shaft moving as well?
I see the video. Is the hub rocking on the shaft, or is the shaft moving as well?
Hub is rocking on the shaft. No rocking in the shaft or basket/ring gears. (however the basket/ring gear has yet to be removed to check properly)
From memory they're 2.5mm, the centre basket holes (if they've even been drilled...I see loads with no holes), which I take out to 3mm.
Holding you on will be a excess of red thread lock most probably. Clean it up and try again, it should slide off with minimal resistance....Ive only ever needed a puller to remove the inner basket, not the outer.
If its the first time it's been stripped, you'll probably find red thread lock has found its way beyond the threads of the shaft, and down the splines. When the engine was being built at Norton on a stand, the engine was usually rotated on the stand so that the primary side was that sat horizontal facing upwards.......which means a little too much thread lock applied, soon finds its self running down the shaft.
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cheers ta. I put the empty hub back on the splines without the nut so not tight at all and there is some rocking - thought there could be some but is this amount of rocking normal? I did feel this before I pulled it all apart. Here's link to a video that will hopefully work ok.
Normal....it soon stops rocking when you tighten the nut up to 122nm.
From memory they're 2.5mm, the centre basket holes (if they've even been drilled...I see loads with no holes), which I take out to 3mm.
Holding you on will be a excess of red thread lock most probably. Clean it up and try again, it should slide of with minimal resistance....Ive only ever needed a puller to remove the inner basket, not the outer.
Apply heat, as Tony also stated. You can get an adequately angled pry bar just behind the ring gear near the starter and pry in small bites and rotate the gear Dont pry on the edge of the case. The starter area has plenty of meat. It should pop off rather easy
Not sure I agree, many (most?) old bike shops will be wary of the array of sensors, and computer, and injectors, and etc… not to mention all those horrid metric fasteners…!
I get bike shops phone me for advice occasionally. The 961 seems to offend the senses of both new and old school mechanics. Old school think the ecu and injectors are black magic...whereas the new age techs see oil tanks, pushrods, two valves per cylinder etc as being something belonging in the Victorian era.
I get bike shops phone me for advice occasionally. The 961 seems to offend the senses of both new and old school mechanics. Old school think the ecu and injectors are black magic...whereas the new age techs see oil tanks, pushrods, two valves per cylinder etc as being something belonging in the Victorian era.
it's like working on a late 80's Harley!!
I'm just cleaning some thread lock off right now...not the worst, but gives you an idea of what I meant. View attachment 118215
cheers Stu. Although the basket is still on the bike I cannot find any play in it, or the ring gear. For fear of damaging something whilst trying to remove it, (and I have tried believe me) I'll likely put new fibre plates in and see how that goes. On an aside.. not taking a visit to the colony downunder anytime soon by chance? 😉 :D
cheers Stu. Although the basket is still on the bike I cannot find any play in it, or the ring gear. For fear of damaging something whilst trying to remove it, (and I have tried believe me) I'll likely put new fibre plates in and see how that goes. On an aside.. not taking a visit to the colony downunder anytime soon by chance? 😉 :D
Paul, are you aware the clutch plates are Yamaha items? So you can source them from Yamaha dealers or aftermarket such as EBC.

More info. here...

When a starter ring bolt comes adrift...
And sorry, but nah....wont be visiting down under any time soon lol

cheers Stu. Although the basket is still on the bike I cannot find any play in it, or the ring gear. For fear of damaging something whilst trying to remove it, (and I have tried believe me) I'll likely put new fibre plates in and see how that goes. On an aside.. not taking a visit to the colony downunder anytime soon


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