Yes, thanks. Step 4, I don't think 0.033" will be enough. The end of the nut currently sits at the end of the thread, with nothing to engage the seal. So, I would gain just 0.033" (0.383 - 0.350), or about 1/2 a thread (from step 3., 0.140" = 2 threads, so 0.033" = almost half a thread). Something must be incorrect.
I just re-read the manual section C34. I guess it is possible the spacer is in wrong. I don't recall removing these parts, but it was about 10 months ago. I removed at least as far as the clutch chainwheel, to replace the primary chain. I wouldn't have gone further than I needed to, to get to that stage, unless i also removed the bearing to clean it. That's possible, but I can't remember. But I was really careful with reassembly. Double and triple checking against the manual, which is clear on which way round it goes. So, for now, I can't see I erred. Not unheard of though!
I don't know the depth of the spacer's machined recess. I guess it could be 1/8" / c.0.140". How obvious would 1/8" run out be on the chainwheel. I would have thought I'd pick that up. I recall using a steel ruler across the 2 faces, double and triple checking and being OK with it. The chain looked central on the wheel / front sprocket, when I checked at the weekend.
It's back together right now. I plan to go a short ride to warm it up and test the clutch slip with new plates. I'll see how I go. If not happy, I'll dismantle to the spacer and check.