What is your Commando "type"

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I’m a “C” however I have over 60,000 miles on my ‘72 combat roadster…around 45,000 are mine. I ride much less now even though I retired three years ago. I bought and rebuild everything on it from ‘97 to ‘98. The other two were “S” projects that I no longer own.
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Definitely a "C" but riding even less as time goes by. Love the bikes but not so much the road these days.
B and I, for me. Planning on the Western Slope Norton Riders weekend in Dolores Colorado over Fathers Day weekend.
To be honest I will haul the bike to NM and ride from there. Not much to see in West Texas or Eastern NM.
A, B, occasionally I.

Except this year when it has been C due to my bum shoulder and lockdowns.
I hear you in the shoulder business. Had mine operated on in September and the only riding I have done was a Toys for Tots car show here in town, a total of 6 miles one way. Never worried about the lockdowns, just went riding when I felt like it.
A, B, and I: Primarily!
I will ride secondary roads as a first choice.
Better scenery and if you find yourself in a traffic crawl, options to turn arround and go to a less traveled pass.
I've traveled on 4 lanes of express and 3 lanes of collectors, both not moving, ( no fun on a Norton) with todays automatic transmission vehicles. They frown at you when you take to the shoulder to the next exit. They just don't understand a gearbox and clutch. On a hot day and no A/C. You got to keep moving.
I've been there.
C, occasional use just for fun and take it when I attend rides the local British bike clubs put on. I ride my Sportster much more often, it is just a lot easier with EFI and electric start, plus it has plenty of character like a vintage bike without any of the headaches...figures since it was introduced waaay back in 1957 to compete with the popular relatively lightweight British twins many American riders were buying. FWIW 2022 was the last year for the air cooled version, quite a 65 year run...

What is your Commando "type"
I hear you in the shoulder business. Had mine operated on in September and the only riding I have done was a Toys for Tots car show here in town, a total of 6 miles one way. Never worried about the lockdowns, just went riding when I felt like it.
I'm in the broken shoulder business.

Still not fully better after 2 years. Only 80%.

I start a new job and get insurance coverage with it, so will have a go at it again with a specialist to hopefully make it better.
Like Rob, I am A&B as I am very fortunate to live in a semi-rural area with lots of great roads right out of my driveway.Plus the winters here are tolerable.
Hmmmmm... seems we no longer have the "insert poll" feature? (or is it just me?) tag @L.A.B.

What type of riding do you MAINLY do with your commando? Answer all appropriate choices (A+F, etc.)

A. Regular street use
B. Regular highway use
C. Occasional use
D. Very little use except bike shows
E. No use, it's an investment
F. Road Racing
G. Drag LSR Racing
H. Off-road riding/racing
I. Touring (w/ gear aboard/attached)
A, B- & I. Highways/motorways not my thing.
I'm definitely a "C". The wife made me strap on a tool kit because she got tired of picking me up. The straw that broke the camel's back was the last time it stranded me and she stopped on her way somewhere and kept on going so I had to hitch a ride home with a stranger to get a wrench.
What is your Commando "type"
When it blew a plug out heading back to our hotel on the beach from a day at the track, I grabbed the hot errant plug with a pliers and screwed it back in with the tool kit's cookie-cutter plug socket. These days, most of my riding is done on this ugly bird, upon which I recently increased my personal longest day riding from 750 to 900. Would have been a full thousand, but I had a friend 100 miles from home and didn't want to brave deer country at night.
What is your Commando "type"
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