What is your favorite stock Norton Model/Configuration?

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P11 and any Commando model through '71, except the interstate and hi-rider.
Am liking the '71 SS model a lot these days. Have always been a fan of the high-pipe models.
Wow, I love them all. That interback with the high pipes is sweeeet. Might have to get me one of those, of course I would do it to a MK3, have to go easy on my right knee. Guess that's the good thing about Commandos, theres one to suit everyone.
The model / models I lusted after when I was a teen.

I at least got half the set :)

What is your favorite stock Norton Model/Configuration?

What is your favorite stock Norton Model/Configuration?

For a teen in the 70's, Norton's 'Norton Girl adds' were so very very effective. Problem is, by the time I got a Norton they were already out of business.
I think the P11 Ranger 750 is the prettiest Norton.
What is your favorite stock Norton Model/Configuration?

I would love to have an early Commando, but I believe most people who know of Norton think of the Commando Roadster. The Roadster owes much of its styling to the Ranger, all built from mid-September to mid-October 1968 - after the run of '68 Commandos, before the Commando 'R' and 'S' of over half a year later. I like all my bikes, but the Ranger has a more comfortable riding position than the 850 - my knees aren't hitting my elbows!

Compared to other English bikes of the period, I think Norton and Matchless built some of the most attractive bikes.

Maybe a Velocette Thruxton is a little prettier than a Dommie or Inter, but try to find one.

BSA DB32 or DB34 Goldstar are great bikes, but I'd rather have a Model 40 or 30 Manx
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