I don't think that I've ever kicked a bike over in recent years when I haven't pushed the piston two thirds of the way up t he bore before flicking over TDC. When I was 23, I fell off a home made 200cc two stroke minibike at about 30MPH after it stood up under power. I wasn't wearing a helmet and I was wearing moccasins on my feet. As I slid up the road, I stuck my arm out to stop myself from rolling, and all was going well until my toe caught the road. When I got up, I could hardly walk for the pain, and I thought I'd broken something. At the time I was newly married, so I caught the tram home, and my wife took me to the doctor. He told me that I had sinovitis, so I still continued to walk. Some time later I fitted the two race cams to my mates' Bonneville. When he came to visit me one day, I tried to kick it over, and it kicked back. I ended up laying on the ground in agony, yet I picked myself up and still walked around for the next year. One day my kid was playing on the woodheap in my mother's backyard and dropped his lollies, I climbed up to get them for him, and jumped down from the lowest log. I ended up on the ground, and on my way to hospital. It turned out that when my toe had caught the road in the minbibike accident, ,my lower leg had rotated and broke the raised piece of bone off in the centre of my knee joint. When it was operated on, one cartledge was removed to get it out, however the doctors found it was attached to the other cartledge, so turned me over during the operation to cut it free. Then I had to learn t o walk again. When I kicked that Bonneville over and it kicked back, it must have compressed the injury. Take care fellas, and don't ever go at things too quickly ! Bikes are easy to kick over regardless of capacity or compression ratio, it simply takes developing a bit of technique. Even if the ignition is too advanced, if you compress the charge slowly to almost TDC, when you flick it over the top you will be able to hold it if it kicks back. So do it slowly, a big lungful of mixture and an ignition system with too much advance can get quite nasty if you do it too quickly (sorry Bernhard what you've said is OK if you are bump starting, but dangerous otherwise).
Apologies to Hobot, I know he doesn't like hearing about my crashes ! The minibike one was the slowest of them and gave by far the worst injury by a country mile. In fact it was so bad that until this discussion I had completely forgotten the extreme pain of it.