SCS delta 400

Sep 27, 2023
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Good morning
have you ever installed a delta 400 from SCS instead of an OMEX box if anyone has a photo of everything fitting in the saddle that would be wonderful
Dobré ráno
namontoval si niekedy delta 400 od SCS namiesto krabice OMEX ak ma niekto fotku co vsetko pasuje do sedla to by bolo krasne
Namontoval som SCS Delta 400 na Norton Commando 961 Sport Euro4 2018. ECu SCS je veľké a je dosť problém ho tam dať. Pôvodný držiak ECU sa musí odstrániť, skrutky držiaka odrezať a ECU SCS premiestniť tak, aby bolo možné nainštalovať sedadlo a kabeláž. Ecu mám upevnenú iba plastovými páskami. Najväčšou prekážkou je karoséria ABS

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Namontoval som SCS Delta 400 na Norton Commando 961 Sport Euro4 2018. ECu SCS je veľké a je dosť problém ho tam dať. Pôvodný držiak ECU sa musí odstrániť, skrutky držiaka odrezať a ECU SCS premiestniť tak, aby bolo možné nainštalovať sedadlo a kabeláž. Ecu mám upevnenú iba plastovými páskami. Najväčšou prekážkou je karoséria ABS

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Webový výsledok s odkazmi na podstránky​

"I have installed the SCS Delta 400 on a Norton Commando 961 Sport Euro4 2018. The SCS ECU is large and quite a challenge to fit. The original ECU bracket has to be removed, the bracket bolts cut off and the SCS ECU relocated so that the seat and wiring can be installed. I have the ECU secured with only plastic straps. The biggest obstacle is the ABS bodywork".
"I have installed the SCS Delta 400 on a Norton Commando 961 Sport Euro4 2018. The SCS ECU is large and quite a challenge to fit. The original ECU bracket has to be removed, the bracket bolts cut off and the SCS ECU relocated so that the seat and wiring can be installed. I have the ECU secured with only plastic straps. The biggest obstacle is the ABS bodywork".
Do you have the older SCS Delta 400 or the 400S (400S is smaller) ? Can you include pictures ?
This was made for an OMEX in a single seat 961 with no ABS .
SCS delta 400

This will also work with an SCS Delta 400 or 400S with foam padding to take up some space. There are three mounting points to the tail unit , (2) in the rear and one in the front . The tabs with the captive nuts are for fuse box mounting .

SCS delta 400

The ECU will sit sideways , with the wire harness coming up on the left side.
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This was made for an OMEX in a single seat 961 with no ABS .
SCS delta 400

This will also work with an SCS Delta 400 or 400S with foam padding to take up some space. There are three mounting points to the tail unit , (2) in the rear and one in the front . The tabs with the captive nuts are for fuse box mounting .

SCS delta 400

The ECU will sit sideways , with the wire harness coming up on the left side.
Hello Tony
thank you for the photos I will try to make a support to put everyone in the saddle; this is not going to be easy
I will post a photo as soon as it is realised.
Good morning
have you ever installed a delta 400 from SCS instead of an OMEX box if anyone has a photo of everything fitting in the saddle that would be wonderful
Have a look here. Member @Gazz had to make a new bracket, and relocate components to get it in.

Thanks for posting , this should help him visualize it. The full size Delta 400 will fit also.
thank you I will try to make the same assembly
Have a good day
Have a look here. Member @Gazz had to make a new bracket, and relocate components to get it in.

thanks for the photos but my 961 is from 2012 without ABS
Have a good day
thank you I will try to make the same assembly
Have a good day

thanks for the photos but my 961 is from 2012 without ABS
Have a good day
It's ok, new support made, installed and all the wires fit into the saddle.
question: before starting you have to connect with the PC to initialize something because the bike does not want to start, you can hear the fuel pump clearly there is ignition but the spark plugs remain dry, it seems that it is not there is no fuel supply, I also fitted Bosch injectors ref 0280 155 931.
I don't know why it won't start
sorry for my english
thank you for your help
It's ok, new support made, installed and all the wires fit into the saddle.
question: before starting you have to connect with the PC to initialize something because the bike does not want to start, you can hear the fuel pump clearly there is ignition but the spark plugs remain dry, it seems that it is not there is no fuel supply, I also fitted Bosch injectors ref 0280 155 931.
I don't know why it won't start
sorry for my english
thank you for your help
Hi Eric , I can advise that you should go back to the Original OMEX ecu and try it with the new injectors . I assume your bike was running before you started this project . This way you can get a baseline. If it runs with the OMEX and new injectors , then I might suspect the conversion harness or connections. You are using a conversion harness from SCS Delta UK to go from OMEX to SCS Delta correct ? And be sure that SCS Delta know what year your Norton 961 is. What color were the original injectors ( green or grey ) because they have different flow rates . I think SCS made the 961 map with the Grey injectors , and if your bike had green then you made need to go back to those if you are going to run the OMEX for an extended period of time.
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Hi Eric , I can advise that you should go back to the Original OMEX ecu and try it with the new injectors . I assume your bike was running before you started this project . This way you can get a baseline. If it runs with the OMEX and new injectors , then I might suspect the conversion harness or connections. You are using a conversion harness from SCS Delta UK to go from OMEX to SCS Delta correct ? And be sure that SCS Delta know what year your Norton 961 is. What color were the original injectors ( green or grey ) because they have different flow rates . I think SCS made the 961 map with the Grey injectors , and if your bike had green then you made need to go back to those if you are going to run the OMEX for an extended period of time.
Hi Tony
I started by putting back my old (gray) original injectors with which the bike started.
the same, the bike still won't start.
I also reassembled the side stand switch because I had already dismantled it to avoid a source of failure, the bike still does not want to start.
I reassembled the Omex ECU with my original injectors (gray), the bike starts perfectly.
I don't know where to look for the problem
I also specified to scs the year of the motorcycle and the serial number

Regards Eric
Ahoj Tony
Začal som tým, že som dal späť svoje staré (sivé) pôvodné vstrekovače, s ktorými motorka začínala.
to isté, bicykel stále nenaštartuje.
Zmontoval som aj spínač bočného stojana, pretože som ho už demontoval, aby som predišiel zdroju poruchy, motorka stále nechce naštartovať.
Zmontoval som Omex ECU s mojimi pôvodnými vstrekovačmi (šedé), motorka štartuje perfektne.
Neviem kde mam hladat problem
Tiež som špecifikoval do scs rok motocykla a sériové číslo

S pozdravom Eric
Je dôležité, aby pri objednávaní SCS Delta výrobca poznal presné špecifikácie motocykla. V súlade s tým nahrajú zodpovedajúcu palivovú mapu do ECU. Pri výmene SCS Delta za Omex som nemal problém naštartovať. Problém nastal asi po dvoch týždňoch používania. Poslal som SCS Delta výrobcovi, potvrdili mi poruchu jednotky a okamžite mi poslali novú. Odvtedy som s SCS Delta najazdil 3000 km bez problémov.
Je dôležité, aby pri objednávaní SCS Delta výrobca poznal presné špecifikácie motocykla. V s tým nahrajú zodpovedajúcu palivovú mapu do ECU. Pri výmene SCS Delta za Omex som nemal problém naštartovať. Problém nastal asi po dvoch použitiach. Poslal som výrobcov SCS Delta, potvrdil mi poruchu jednotky a okamžite mi poslal novú. Odvtedy som s SCS Delta najazdil 3000 km bez problémov.
Vo vašej situácii by som skúsil odmontovať palivovú nádrž, vytiahnuť vstrekovače a rozdeľovač paliva zo sacieho potrubia a pri naštartovanom motore skontrolovať, či vstrekovače striekajú palivo. Ak nestriekajú a striekal Omex, tak je chyba v SCS Delta.
Vo vašej situácii by som skúsil odmontovať palivovú nádrž, vytiahnuť vstrekovače a rozdeľovač paliva zo sacieho potrubia a pri naštartovanom motore skontrolovať, či vstrekovače striekajú palivo. Ak nestriekajú a striekal Omex, tak je chyba v SCS Delta.
hello Marian
plese can you translate your answer
thank you for avance I already have difficulty with English so it's difficult for me.
I'm sorry
Just use Google Translate.

"In your situation I would try removing the fuel tank, pulling the injectors and fuel rail out of the intake manifold and with the engine running check if the injectors are spraying fuel. If they are not spraying and Omex is spraying, then the fault is in the SCS Delta."