U mňa je to tak isto - oveľa kultivovanejší chod motoraGazz vyzerá dobre. Teraz bol váš bicykel ECU Euro 4 OMEX a nesvieti vám kontrolka nízkej hladiny paliva?
U mňa je to tak isto - oveľa kultivovanejší chod motoraGazz vyzerá dobre. Teraz bol váš bicykel ECU Euro 4 OMEX a nesvieti vám kontrolka nízkej hladiny paliva?
The exhaust system currently available from Thiel Motorsports is an H pipe decat. I can say there is not a great deal of difference between them in power/torque . But if you are getting it tuned and AFR comes from the exhaust probes having separate exhaust makes sampling L and R easier from the tail pipe end . The first Donington decat was an H pipe , then their later offering was separate pipes decat. But in theory the H connection should be best , but I couldn't tell a difference . My bike currently is using the H pipe decat , Motad Shorties and my last dyno run was making ~ 73.5 rwhp @ 7200 rpm and 58.3 ftlb torque @ 6240 rpm SAE . Not bad really and you should be able to get this or more .I would like to ask one more piece of advice - hopefully this thread won't be a problem. I'm going to order the production of decat pipes and I can't decide whether it's better to connect the pipes together, or make x pipe, or leave each pipe separately, without connection? Any experience?
This is good to hear, we seem to be having the same positive experiences with the 400Kontrolka paliva sa nerozsvieti pri otočení kľúča, mala by sa rozsvietiť až pri poklese paliva. Nefunguje mi to - jazdím podľa dojazdu - tankujem po 200 kilometroch - to je maximálna vzdialenosť. Včera som uzavrel kanál medzi sacími otvormi a výsledok je vynikajúci. Ručne som nastavil otáčky voľnobehu na 1250 ot./min skrutkou dorazu plynu. Dnes som bol otestovať motorku na 50 kilometrovej jazde. Motorka prvých 20 kilometrov nefungovala dobre, pod 4000 ot./min nemala vôbec žiadny výkon. Na pridanie plynu reagovalo pomaly. Po 20 kilometroch som si dal pauzu, vypol motor a nechal som motor vypnutý 10 minút. Potom som zapol kľúč zapaľovania, pomaly otočil plyn na doraz, pustil ho späť a vypol zapaľovanie. Potom som naštartoval motorku a išiel ďalších 30 kilometrov. Odvtedy všetko veľmi dobre. Voľnobežné otáčky stabilizované na 1250 ot./min za studena aj za tepla, štartovanie bez plynu, o 50% menší mechanický hluk, menšie vibrácie - a hlavným benefitom je, že motorka ide plynulo na tretí prevodový stupeň pri 50 km/h pri cca. 2800 otáčok za minútu bez vibrácií a blikania motora. Veľká spokojnosť s SCS Delta 400s a tiež odstránením voľnobežného ventilu
As promised, here’s Gazz’s first start with the Delta 400 fitted…
My fuel isn't low enough to be sure of that yet. To be honest I couldn't remember if the light came on as a light working check prior to starting the engine with the Omex.. Advancing ageLooking good Gazz . Now your bike was a Euro 4 OMEX ECU and does your low fuel light not work ?
The original map on my Delta 400 (961 Race Cans) was too rich .This is good to hear, we seem to be having the same positive experiences with the 400.
My bike also is less crisp on the throttle below 4k but it certainly moves afterwards.
I hope to visit a rolling road tuner when I have the cash. It will be interesting to see what's going on with the mixture and to see if can be improved.
Tony, did you take your bike to a rolling road for fine tuning? If so did you create a new map for your bike?The original map on my Delta 400 (961 Race Cans) was too rich .
Yes and no. I did go to a dyno shop for fine tuning . But NOT having the ability to get the Delta 400 tuned directly , I installed a Dynojet Power Commander and the shop was willing to tune with that.Tony, did you take your bike to a rolling road for fine tuning? If so did you create a new map for your bike?
OK....Hopefully I can get mine tuned, the shop said they've worked SCS before..We'll see what happens...Yes and no. I did go to a dyno shop for fine tuning . But NOT having the ability to get the Delta 400 tuned directly , I installed a Dynojet Power Commander and the shop was willing to tune with that.
Hi Gazz , Let us know how it goes and I am sure you will be as happy with the results as I was .OK....Hopefully I can get mine tuned, the shop said they've worked SCS before..We'll see what happens...
I can also confirm that the low fuel️ warning light doesn't work on my Euro 4 with Delta 400
.... Don't ask
I'll phone SCS tomorrow...
Hi Gazz , Let us know how it goes and I am sure you will be as happy with the results as I was .
On the Euro4 OMEX 961 the fuel light is controlled by the ECU . On my older 961 the relay for the fuel light is controlled directly from the fuel pump level switch to the low fuel light relay . There may be another corresponding pin on the SCS Delta 400 that can be used . I would contact SCS Delta and get their advice. And , you may be able to wire in another solution using your current fuel light , fuel pump , and fuel light relay .OK....Hopefully I can get mine tuned, the shop said they've worked SCS before..We'll see what happens...
I can also confirm that the low fuel️ warning light doesn't work on my Euro 4 with Delta 400
.... Don't ask
I'll phone SCS tomorrow...