" developed to hasten the ability to start up recip aircraft engines and get the them airborn FASTER "
That was my P-38 !
Push throttle to floor , hold 2nd time . Hit key , hit 4000 . Key Off . Key ON , Hit 5000 , key off .

Engauge 1st . Key ON , Release Clutch .

Blows the cobwebs out . :? Read Russian forward airfields had two minutes warning of raids , so needed to be ' over the boundary ' in one minute .
Proceedure was to hit everything ON , in sub zero temperatures . Run Full Throttle for 30 secs while completeing checks , pull throttle back , clear & GO .
Apparently some of their ' lend lease ' aircraft wernt to happy with this proceedure . :?
Leyland P-38 .
flogged by mental defective .
Was going to do this with the spare .
This IS called ' P-38 ' theyre ordinarilly refered to as P-76 . :x Rover P-7 .
' WE ' had ' Moreys ' in Valvolene oil , funnily the Falcon rattles the lifters with moreys on start up ( yea , ive tried it on that too ). Straight valvolene , No Noise . :?
The old CF Bedford 2.300 would switch of the light in 3 secs doing this , 30 seconds if idled on sttart up , as the pumps five miles from the valve gear ( pressureised ) .
The passageway through the head face got salubrious :? :lol: with this proceedure , so ' O ' rings on oilways at mateing faces may be adviseable .
Two to Four seconds on the 4.4 alloy V-8 P38 would be fully pressureised and Pistons at Temp. for clean idle , if you went inclined to spray gravel about . These cars are also good for forwarding rivers . :mrgreen:
as they float , you need to have some momentum on hand though . 8)
While we're there with the Moreys , it's said to cling to all the surfaces - so you dont get a ' dry ' start up - definately protection against whoopsies if you hole a sump or radiator . But dont ask the impossable .
Overheating any older ( used ) engine will free all the debri - so if you have cooked it - the oils had the guts torn out of it and needs immedite replacement . Towing two ton ( vaugely ) across the countryside , if at moderate speeds , will prove transmission ( Manual G'Box & Diff ) oil need more frequent serviceing under severe use . Before the hot seasons a good time to replace them . Before the cold season for tyres .