It is a common condition for Norton Commandos to wet sump. Under the head pressure of the oil tank, oil slowly oozes through
the gears of the oil pump and ends up in the sump. The rate at which this occurs ranges from a) not at all, to b) quite rapidly.
This can be a function of how much wear the oil pump has been through. The service manual describes the procedure to
overhaul an oil pump. My Commando would drain about half the oil tank in the course of a month being laid up. Some have
experienced blowing out the crank seal due to the excess pressure build up when starting with a full crank case. Often oil will
leak through the oil seal or the inner primary case mounting bolt holes resulting in oil in the primary. While a quite contentious
solution, some install this item. I have had one on my bike for 12 years with no problems. If it fails, the engine is toast.
I recently bought one of these, below, to replace the one above, which provides the ability to shut off the flow of oil along
with an electrical switch which prevents the engine from starting if the valve is closed.
There is a vendor in Tucson who will modify your timing case to stop the wet sumping. There are folks who will take your
oil pump and rebuild it for you with alleged great success in stoping wet sumping.
Search the archives for extended discussion of the issue, causes and cures.