Norton Tank / Paint Quality

As beautiful as the alloy tank is brushed or polished and unpainted..... the SE had to stay looking like an SE. Brent Budgor, the painter, did a wonderful job! The black paint is so deep it looks like you could dive right in.
I wanted to add a couple pics of the painted alloy tank. Enjoy.
Norton Tank / Paint Quality

Norton Tank / Paint Quality

Norton Tank / Paint Quality

Norton Tank / Paint Quality

Norton Tank / Paint Quality
I have an unrestored T140D and a restored one. I've been wrestling with the idea of getting it repainted or just keeping it faded. I kind of like the used look. I've had that bike since 1979. That said, if I do it, I know where its going.
Thats is great news Raphi . That clears the 150 mile range hurdle with room to spare , using the 40 mpg model. With a gentle throttle hand 200 miles is in reach ! So this is enough range I think for ME with this bike. So you may ask "when do you pony up TonyA ? " And I say Already on the list ! And your input Raphi has helped me greatly with this decision. Thanks again. These bespoke little firms are about ,& there’s that Guy on the south coast called Simon that made the tank for the Henry Cole 961 special
Hello Richard , Somebody over there in England should send him one of the bad 961 tanks to work from. It takes the first one the rest can follow . Most of the tanks i see are for older machines with petcocks.
From the tank pad thread:

I’ve looked on’t interweb and there is no-one producing these tanks except for Norton, you would probably not have any qualms about having a cheaper steel tank painted- providing it was sealed properly inside of course.

I take it back, I searched for "Motorcycle tank fabricators UK" and a host of small businesses pops up on the list - some good work on their websites but obviously no 961 tanks yet. Prices are about 50% or less than Norton on average but I can't comment on quality - you wouldn't complain about painting these!
Norton Tank / Paint Quality
Norton Tank / Paint Quality
Norton Tank / Paint Quality
Norton Tank / Paint Quality
Norton Tank / Paint Quality
Norton Tank / Paint Quality
Norton Tank / Paint Quality
Norton Tank / Paint Quality
Found him ( Simon ) at Parker fabrications Bournemouth ,this is the special done-by Henry Cole ,Simon Parker also made a alloy tailpiece for a Sheene replica a pal of mine is building atm ,he seems one of those sought of guys that can make anything so a 4/5 gallon interstate/touring tank would be possible I’m sure.
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Saw this in the flesh when at Donington- if this was on the sales sheet when I bought my 961, I would have chosen this in a heartbeat!
YUP . Good looking for sure in my book. And the tank is Alu I think ? Even if it were optional and could charge more , they would sell . I still say an optional large interstate tank in Aluminum on the price sheet. Love those JPS stripes,.