New laws in Australia gone mad

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American southern culture holds if a politician's lips are moving they are lying. This is example before 9/11 take down so now the pat down feel ups to travel US.

review of over reaching crack downs so easy to get snapped up by.

more on OZ from spoof to reality if ya can stand that ... ewman&sm=3
It is not bikies challenging the laws of association which will change them. It is the average punter who recognizes the threat to democracy in our every day lives. Those laws existed back in the 50s, and did not work then. They've probably always been on the statute books right up to the present - never repealed. The Liberal Party might like t o assert it's authority by bringing out a new version, however like most things they do there is nothing original about it, and it will become just as irrelevant as it has always been. These days things are radically different - we have the internet and social media and people are able to communicate better, so things happen much quicker. The Libs recently got a shock in our electorate of Indi when through social media, we sacked their pin-up girl and replaced her with a non-venomous competent variety of politician. ...
Every county has laws that cover about every real criminal event that damages people or property so the advantage to govt with these draconian laws is to bring everyone under their thumb, and can't ignore it may also be a distraction from other legal events that will affect everyone's life style, even if never leaving home.
There is one thing which gives me hope. It is the move away from prescriptive legislation to performance based. If you look at things in terms of risk and what we are trying to achieve as a society, the mindset becomes different. Prescriptive legislation is the ten commandments gone mad. If you ride your commando at 120 MPH on a freeway, it is not necessarily dangerous until you put somebody at risk. If you consider what could happen in the worst case scenario, in terms of likelihood and consequences and modify your behavior accordingly, you are much more likely to stay alive than by simply obeying the speed limit. The easiest way to dramatically cut the road toll would be to concentrate on making drivers risk conscious competent. placing the onus on them to prove what they are doing has minimal risk associated with it, regardless of the speed limit.
As far as the bikey gangs are concerned - what are the risks , and what are the potential consequences ? I suggest no different to any other organized crime scenario, so why would you subvert the civil rights of everybody in the community ?
This somewhat straying away from the subject at hand - as usual - but what you are proposing is nothing more than the old 'prima facie' speed limit system of old - do any speed you like, and they have to prove it was dangerous. If you hit something/someone, then obviously it was !

The other part of what ye speak of this is providing/requiring driver training, to improve driver standards.
Ha, govnm'ts gave up on that centuries ago....

Meanwhile, Mr Newman (bossman Premier) is suddenly talking of these anti-bikie/citizen laws being 'temporary'.
Maybe they have suddenly realised folks are talking about dumping this bunch at the next election...
Sorry, been watching too much Nat Geo. They didn't have 'bikies' on their top Australian predators list, lol. I'd still avoid the water though...
New laws in Australia gone mad
New laws in Australia gone mad

This is Cahills Crossing in Arnhem Land,I think I heard some folk gasp when the DR came over the brow to cross.
A good deal of the so called motorcycle riders these laws target have probably never gone beyond the local pub let alone the city limits.

New laws in Australia gone mad

New laws in Australia gone mad
New laws in Australia gone mad

Alligators abound in the deep American south & I've had many encounters, non ending badly but memorable. Eyes reflect a deep blood red when spotlighted. A cycle tale in the '30 my dad saved up enough for a bicycle and he and some friend went out Tammie Trail and came upon a road kill 'gator ~ 4 ft long, which got wired to his bike and they headed back but the thing woke up and folded and twisted the bike into trash. He was PISSED. It was a red neck joke to leave a suit case on this hyw across the glades with a snake or 'gator, waited till car grabbed it and took off then a bit more for it to go off road most not waiting for it to stor. Then there's the old story of Miami natives arguing over what the meanest animal in the world was, Lions and Tiggers and Bears and Sharks and Wild Bores were tossed about by this one and that, till one fella says,
" Crockagator."
" Whata Crockagator?"
'It be a critter with a crocodile head on one end anna alligator head on t' other...
"Say What"!!!. " But Where do he Shit???"
New laws in Australia gone mad

"He Don't, That What Make Him So Mean....
Rohan said:
This somewhat straying away from the subject at hand - as usual - but what you are proposing is nothing more than the old 'prima facie' speed limit system of old - do any speed you like, and they have to prove it was dangerous. If you hit something/someone, then obviously it was !

The other part of what ye speak of this is providing/requiring driver training, to improve driver standards.
Ha, govnm'ts gave up on that centuries ago....

Meanwhile, Mr Newman (bossman Premier) is suddenly talking of these anti-bikie/citizen laws being 'temporary'.
Maybe they have suddenly realised folks are talking about dumping this bunch at the next election...

Do any speed you want and YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT WAS NOT DANGEROUS if it is above the recommended! We had that system on Victorian country roads in the fifites, these days most fatal accidents on country roads are one vehicle accidents, usually occuring on long boring stretches of road. Advanced driver training does not generate revenue, it does exactly the opposite.
In US and world wide there's forums that study driver license history and propose to find its very little to do with public safety just revenue and tracking control reasons and a big reason for forcing Obomacare on the masses to get a universal health card account as not everyone has a DL to keep track of. In US the speed limits are only prima facia evidence and only apply to commercial licensed activity but corrupt system mostly ignores this by mis using legal labels/terms to confuse the unknowing, Ie: Driving/Operating vs travel and touring. What ever the Govt says the laws are for, you can bet your bottom dollar its lying to hide real motives.
The title of this topic is erroneous. The laws haven't gone mad, it is the populace - proven by the way they voted in the federal elections last August when they elected the Nasty Party. Standard practice - create a phobia and then provide the answer - works every time.
YOU seem to have lost the plot here Alan ?
Its not the Feral Gubberment enacting these laws, its one state in particular.
That seems to have decided that citizens rights are no longer important, and that the lawmakers can operate outside the law.
Needless to say, this was not in the election promises.
Hence the title of this thread...
Just one state of AU, now that's very interesting, similar to the US states that now allow pot yet still illegal under Federal level law, which time to time raids a bunch of growers and sellers in this or that state, but seems to be giving up trying to do that anymore, just recently. Fundamental political issues of natural rights, state's rights and right of whoose got the most force to apply physically or financial.
Yes only one State but the other States are looking on with intrest, some of the bikies that were locked up for having drinks at a pub have been release from jail, but a few bikies have been caught up North still up to their old tricks, if they were smart and layed low for a while, but they don't seem to be to bright in the brains department and deserve what ever they get for being dumb arses.

I have also heard another story where a biker was pulled over by two unpatch members and his leather vest removed because it had a few small patchs on it, they told the biker, if we can't wear our club colours nor can you and gave the biker a bit of a touch up, they were caught the next day and locked up.

Many years ago there was a social biker club called the United Bikers, they had a club house on the N'side of Brissy and had a open house to all bike riders on Friday and Saturday night with bands and drinks, it was just a good place for any bike riders to have a few drinks and share stories and just to talk about bikes of any sort and of course you know what happens when a place gets popular, the Rebels outlaw club came in and just took over the place, the United Bikers social club were told to leave everthing or you know what will happen, they destroyed a very good biker social club and a place for nomal motorcyle riders to have a friendly get together, it closed down a few months later as everyone stop going there.

Rohan said:
YOU seem to have lost the plot here Alan ?
Its not the Feral Gubberment enacting these laws, its one state in particular.
That seems to have decided that citizens rights are no longer important, and that the lawmakers can operate outside the law.
Needless to say, this was not in the election promises.
Hence the title of this thread...

That is a very simplistic point of view. Most Australian Liberal Party politicians sing to the same hymnbook whether they are state of federal otherwise they don't get preselection. The law and order card is the same old hackneyed bullshit which they have always used to help win elections. The other is bashing and demonizing minority groups. Have a look at our governments' border protection policy. It is about creating a phobia about asylum seeker boat people invading Australia. There is no invasion, boat arrivals are not even 10% of the total - most arrive by plane. It is purely bullshit politics - pure Eddie Bernays - you create a problem then announce that you can solve it. Most of Eastern Australia is empty with 3 over crowded cities due to a lack of decentralization policies. We've had many Liberal governments, non of which has ever achieved much except maintain the status quo and help the friends exploit the system. Most infrastructure and social change has come from the left wing.
Campbell Newman is a trained leader (ex-army) however he still must obey the idiots who call the shots in the Liberal Party or he will be out on his ear. Have a look at the Institute of Public Affairs, and the H.R.Nicholls Society if you want some insight into Australian politics.
What you do not seem to realize is that John Howard is still in the background working hard, and he does not intend the great unwashed to have a say in their own interests. If you think we have democracy under the LNP anywhere , you are kidding yourself. They are not into that.
And by the way - lose that 'gubberment' crap !!! Tony Abbott is not a joke.
Tony Abbott has nothing to do with the Gubberment we are talking about here.
The Liberal Party has more branches and factions than anyone else you can think of.
They just hide it better...
Factions in the Liberal Party mean nothing - there is no conscience vote. Abbott is the figurehead however has no policies. The whole party exists under the 'cone of silence '. At present there are several 'audits' under way, so that Abbott can create some policies. Inquiry groups conducting the audits are stacked with the usual idiots. The whole thing is an inept non-event. The Liberal Party is claiming it is delivering what it promised , and that is the truth - they promised nothing . Just before the election every Murdoch news paper was full of the performance enhancing drugs in football scandal. As a result Abbott was not held to discussing policies. It is all simply obscene bullshit.
Is a Norton forum really the place to be talking australian politics fellas ? This thread is going nowhere IMO

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