Need Help with identfying magazine

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Nov 1, 2013
Hi Guys,

I need some help with identifying a magazine that featured a 68' Dunstall Norton Commando. I'm suspecting it's late 60's or early 70's.

When I bought this bike this photocopy was given to me and I'd like to get my hands on an original. Thx!

Need Help with identfying magazine
If you can show more of the text on the right,
so some complete sentences can be searched on,
will probably show a result.
Google has a lot of scanned stuff these days, and its gradually getting online.

Is there anything written on the top or bottom of the page that will suggest a magazine, or date ?
Or even a page number ?
Can just make out 'Specials' on the margin side there.
I noticed that the page numbers are 158-159 and I would think instead of a magazine that this article came from a book that might have been about vintage motorcycles or Norton's in general.
Spot on - this page comes from the book Norton Twins by Roy Bacon published by Osprey Collectors' Library. Out of print but easy to find (in the UK at least). It's good book that has a lot of detailed info on all the twins from Model 7 to Commando and well worth having.
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