As noted, there is plenty of help available here. Is there a specific electrical issue that you are trying to sort out or are you just wanting to generally "go through" the system to ensure everything is working correctly? If the bike has been essentially untouched for years, some elec maintenance will probably be necessary. That would include cleaning all the bullet connectors to ensure good electrical contact and adding a ground wire from where the battery cable connects to the frame to a point on the engine itself. Sketchy ground connections on the Norton are often a source of odd electrical issues so they are a critical item to check. It is possible that a new wiring harness may be necessary if the original has been chewed up by creatures over years of storage!

Some folks make up there own harness; the OEM harness contains a lot of wires you won't use because it was designed to work with all Commandos, including police models which had a lot of accessories that are not used/need on a "normal" bike.